It shall be unlawful for any person to hold, manage, conduct or carry on or to cause or permit to be held, conducted, managed or carried on, any parade, march or procession of any kind or character or to beat any drum, gong, tambourine, triangle or use any wind or string instrument or drive any steam calliope upon or along any public street in the city, without first applying to and receiving from the Director of Finance, with the approval of the City Manager, Director of Public Safety and the Director of Public Services a permit to do so.
('86 Code, § 9.40.010) (Ord. 4038, passed - - ) Penalty, see 9.40.090
(A) Application for a parade permit shall be made in writing to the Director of Finance upon forms provided by him or her for that purpose.
(B) Such application shall contain the following information and documentation:
(1) The applicant's personal and, if appropriate, business name;
(2) Applicant's address or addresses and telephone number(s);
(3) Name and type of event;
(4) Sponsor's name and address;
(5) Date of event, including commencing and ending times;
(6) Map of parade route;
(7) Number of anticipated entries and number of estimated spectators;
(8) Such other information as the Director of Finance, Director of Public Safety or the Director of Public Services may require.
(C) Each application shall be accompanied by proof of liability insurance as required by § 9.40.030.
(D) Parade permit applications, together with required supporting documentation, shall be submitted to the Director of Finance no later than 60 days preceding the date of the planned event. The primary sponsor of the event shall be responsible for completing the parade permit application form and providing the necessary supporting documentation.
('86 Code, § 9.40.020) (Ord. 4038, passed - - )
Except when an event is sponsored or cosponsored by the city of Alhambra, each applicant for a permit shall take out and maintain in force while any such event is being held public liability insurance in an amount of not less than $1,000,000. City shall be named as “additional insured” on all policies required hereunder. Each applicant shall furnish city evidence, satisfactory in form to the City Attorney, that such insurance is in force, and adequate legal assurance that the carrier will give the city at least 30 days' prior written notice of the cancellation of the policy during the effective period of the permit.
('86 Code, § 9.40.030) (Ord. 4038, passed - - )