14.04.010 Definitions
14.04.020 Compliance with rules
14.04.030 Unlawful acts in parks or public grounds
14.04.035 Exemption; advertising permitted on portable outfield fence at Granada Park/Almansor Park ballfield
14.04.040 Violating rules governing use of playgrounds, pools
14.04.050 Permit for use of courts, fields, at designated time
14.04.060 Permit for holding picnics
14.04.070 Sunday and secular school picnics
14.04.080 Cleaning up refuse after use of parks
14.04.090 Consumption of alcoholic beverages
14.04.100 Permit to deliver political, religious, speeches
14.04.110 Superintendent of Parks, employees given powers of special policemen
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
PARK. Those public grounds, squares, triangles, parkways, roads, boulevards, streets, parking lots, statues, monuments, fountains, buildings or places of any kind that are under the jurisdiction or care of the Department of Parks and Recreation. The
city’s parks include, but are not limited to: Alhambra Park, Alhambra Municipal Golf Course, Almansor Park, Burke Heritage Park, Emery Park, Gateway Plaza (northwest corner of Fremont Avenue and Valley Boulevard), Granada Park, Lindaraxa Park, Story Park.
PUBLIC GROUNDS. Any property owned, managed or controlled by the city which is open to the public.
(‘86 Code, § 14.04.010) (Ord. 1752, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3653, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3889, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4522, passed 4-28-08; Am. Ord. 4735, passed 5-14-18)
It shall be the duty of every person to see that the rules and regulations established by this chapter are observed, and to call to the attention of the park police or employees or Public Library Trustees or employees or other officers or employees of the city any violation thereof.
('86 Code, § 14.04.020) (Ord. 1752, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3653, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010