9.96.010 Legislative findings and authorization
9.96.020 Definitions
9.96.030 Sealing of materials
9.96.040 Exemption to sealing
9.96.050 Posting of signs
9.96.060 Minor need not view or gain control of material
9.96.070 Defense in prosecution
9.96.080 Exemption of parent or guardian
9.96.090 Persons exempt
9.96.100 Exemption of business person
9.96.110 Penalties, prior convictions
9.96.120 Public nuisance
The City Council does find that there exists and has existed an increasing trend toward the display of adult reading material at grocery stores, convenience stores, drugstores, and other retail outlets within the city. The adult reading material is often displayed within the open view of children of tender years and is easily accessible to them. The City Council finds that this material is adverse to the public peace, morals and good order of young children. The Council further finds that it is in the best interest of the public safety, welfare and convenience of the city to restrict the display of adult reading material and to adopt the following regulations so that adverse impacts upon young children are kept to a minimum.
('86 Code, § 9.96.010) (Ord. 3839, passed - - )
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMMERCIAL PURPOSE. Includes displaying, advertising, or attracting for the purpose of merchandising or selling.
HARMFUL MATTER. The meaning of the term HARMFUL MATTER TO MINORS has no applic-ability to this chapter.
PERSON. Any individual, partnership, firm, association, corporation, or legal entity.
('86 Code, § 9.96.020) (Ord. 3839, passed - - )