3.8.3.   Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District
   A.   Purpose and Intent. The Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) district regulations are intended to enhance the visual appeal of certain roadways in the Town, and to:
      1.   Designate, preserve, and enhance key roadways that serve as gateways to the Town in order to create aesthetically pleasing and welcoming entryways for residents and visitors;
      2.   Encourage redevelopment and investment in underutilized, outdated, or otherwise challenged corridors in the Town; and
      3.   Address development issues of special concern along these gateways, with specific requirements which relate to use, development form, traffic movement, access, environment, landscaping, visual quality, image, and aesthetics.
   B.   Gateway Corridor Plan Required.
      1.   Prior to establishment of a GCO district for a specific gateway corridor, a gateway corridor plan for the specific area shall be adopted by the Board of Commissioners.
      2.   The gateway corridor plan shall describe the conditions, boundaries, development goals, and standards for the proposed GCO district. The plan shall, at a minimum, address the following:
         a.   The unique qualities of the corridor, such as significant buildings, views and vistas, and natural features which lend themselves to special consideration.
         b.   The value of the corridor as an entryway to the Town which can influence the perception of citizens and persons or businesses considering investment in the Town.
         c.   Transportation conditions on the corridor, including vehicular access, dedication of right-of-way, public transit, pedestrian and bicycle circulation, driveway limitations, and traffic impact.
         d.   The arrangement of uses along the corridor which shall create a visually pleasing impression.
         e.   The vision and general goals for development along the corridor, and specific recommendations for regulatory changes to achieve the vision and development goals.
   C.   Gateway Corridor Plan Approval. The gateway corridor plan shall be forwarded to the Planning Board for its review and recommendation. Upon completion of its review, the plan along with the recommendations of the Planning Board shall be forwarded to the Board of Commissioners for review. A gateway corridor plan shall be approved by the Board of Commissioners for a specific gateway corridor before establishment of a GCO sub-district for the specific corridor.
   D.   Establishment of a Gateway Corridor Overlay Sub-District.
      1.   The standards establishing a specific GCO sub-district may only be established in accordance with Section 2.2.20, UDO Text Amendment, and Section 2.2.24, Zoning Map Amendment.
      2.   Corridor-specific standards shall be developed and included as a sub-district in this section.
      3.   Nothing shall limit amendment to Section 3.8.3.E, General Standards Applicable to All Gateway Corridor Sub-districts.
   E.   General Standards Applicable to All Gateway Corridor Sub-Districts.
      1.   GCO district standards for a specific gateway corridor shall follow the policy direction in the gateway corridor plan approved by the Board of Commissioners. The GCO district shall, at a minimum, address the following elements:
         a.   The name and boundaries of the overlay district.
         b.   The development along the corridor to which the overlay district applies (typically all new development and certain expansions and remodels).
         c.   Any variations from the requirements of the underlying general zoning district(s).
         d.   The uses allowed in the district, if appropriate.
         e.   The development and form standards of the overlay district, including some or all of the following:
            i.   Dimensions (height, setbacks, build-to-lines, etc.);
            ii.   Streetscape landscaping;
            iii.   Sidewalks and pedestrian circulation features;
            iv.   Off-street parking;
            v.   Landscaping and tree preservation/reforestation;
            vi.   Open space set-asides;
            vii.   Signage;
            viii.   Exterior lighting;
            ix.   Building design and form;
            x.   Transit amenities; and
            xi.   Road access and traffic circulation.
         f.   The extent to which a general or district-specific standard may be modified.
   F.   Individual Sub-District Standards. - placeholder -
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)