1336.01 Monuments and markers.
1336.02 Streets.
1336.03 Curbs and sidewalks.
1336.04 Driveways and curbcuts.
1336.05 Storm drainage.
1336.06 Utilities.
1336.07 Sanitary sewers.
1336.08 Water supply and fire hydrants.
1336.09 Street trees.
1336.10 Recreation space.
1336.11 Street lighting.
1336.12 Landscaping.
Improvements completion or guarantee - see Act 247 §509 (53 P.S. §10509)
Release from bond - see Act 247 §510 (53 P.S. §10510)
Remedy for completion - see Act 247 §511 (53 P.S. §10511)
Street adoption and names - see S.U. & P.S. Art. 901
Completion required for plat approval - see P. & Z. 1333.08
Release from bond - see P. & Z. 1333.09