Landscaping shall be provided as part of the site plan and land development design.
(a) Location. Reasonable landscaping shall be provided at site entrances, in public areas, and adjacent to buildings. The plant material that best serves the intended function shall be selected for the local environment.
(b) Plant Materials. Landscaping may include plant materials such as trees, shrubs, ground covers, perennials and annuals and other material such as rocks, walls, fences and street furniture. Artificial plants, trees and shrubs may not be used to satisfy any requirements for landscaping.
(c) Landscaping Plan. If landscaping is provided, a landscaping plan must be prepared. Such landscape plans shall include:
(1) Location. The plan shall identify existing and proposed trees, shrubs and ground covers, and other landscaping elements showing where proposed and existing plant material will be located.
(2) List. All plans shall be accompanied by a list of proposed plants and trees including the number, height, or caliper size, common and/or botanical name.
(3) Existing Plants. Existing plantings shall be identified by name, quantity and size on the site plan to indicate which plant material will be retained.
(d) Protection of Existing Plantings. Maximum efforts should be made to save fine specimens.
(Ord. 21-98. Passed 12-1-98.)