General Provisions
   53.01   Definitions
   53.02   Water system operation
   53.03   Application for water services
   53.15   Meters set by YCWSD
   53.16   Repairs to service connections at YCWSD expense; exceptions
   53.17   Property line cut-off valve
   53.18   Private fire protection lines to have a cut-off valve
   53.19   Deposit required; refund provided
   53.20   Authorized meter removal, yoke removal and other water service termination actions
   53.21   Duty of occupant of premises when ordering water turned on
   53.22   Turn-on transferring accounts
   53.23   Turning water on and off at water distribution mains; county not liable for damages; YCWSD to notify customers
   53.35   Removal of water service fixtures prohibited; exceptions
   53.36   Separate meter for each property owner required; exception
   53.37   Interference with the water distribution system prohibited; exception
   53.38   Unauthorized turning on of water after turn-off by YCWSD
   53.39   Removal of meter
   53.40   Fire hydrants; authorized users; permit required for private user
   53.41   Damage to public fire hydrants, water meters, meter boxes, valve boxes, meter boxes in driveways or any other elements of the YCWSD water system
   53.42   Private fire hydrants to be used only in case of fire; penalty
   53.43   Cross-connection; control
Rates, Fees and Charges
   53.55   Charges for making service connections
   53.56   Schedule of water rates
   53.57   Bills mailed or delivered
   53.58   Delinquent fees and charges; conditions; notice; appeals; meter removal
   53.59   Specific delinquent charges
   53.60   Collection of delinquent charges
   53.61   Procedure in case of delinquent customer vacating premises
   53.62   Charges and collection of charges for water service termination actions
   53.63   Complaints of excessive water and/or sewer charges
   53.64   Charges for testing meters and fixtures
   53.65   Charges for water used without prior knowledge of YCWSD
   53.66   Charges will accrue until YCWSD is notified to cut off service