Sec. 4-1.01.   Purposes.
   The declared purposes of this Chapter are to provide for the preparation, unification and implementation of plans for the protection of persons and property within this County in the event of an emergency, and to provide for the direction of the emergency management organization and the coordination of County emergency functions with all political subdivisions, emergency services agencies, corporations, organizations, and affected private persons.
   This Chapter shall be interpreted in a manner that provides the maximum authority allowed under state and federal law to the County and other agencies and their officers, employees, and disaster service workers during an emergency within the operational area.
(§ 1, Ord. 226, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1359, eff. May 31, 2007, as amended by § 2, Ord. 1561, eff. April 6, 2023, as amended by § 2, Ord. 1568, eff. July 25, 2024)