(a) Disaster Council powers and duties. It shall be the duty of the Yolo County Disaster Council, and it is hereby empowered, to advise the Office of Emergency Services on disaster preparedness activities and emergency and disaster plans, policies, and procedures. The Disaster Council will also review and recommend ordinances, resolutions, plans and policies for adoption by the Board of Supervisors, emergency and mutual aid agreements, and rules and regulations necessary or helpful to implementing any of the foregoing.
Additional duties of the Disaster Council include:
(1) Assess and coordinate disaster related training relating specifically to the unincorporated areas of the County of Yolo.
(2) Develop plans for meeting any condition constituting an Emergency.
(3) Evaluate potential hazards within the County and assist in developing response plans relating to those hazards.
(4) Review and approve the County Emergency Operations Plan.
(5) Develop and approve plans to effectively mobilize resources within the operational area, including private resources.
(6) By ordinance or other appropriate means, ensure the organization, powers and duties, divisions, services, and staff of the County’s emergency services office.
(7) Act as an advisory board to the Office of Emergency Services.
(8) Certify Disaster Service Workers through the Office of Emergency Services under authority of Section 3211.9 of the California Labor Code.
(b) Membership. The Yolo County Disaster Council consists of the following persons or their designees. The County Administrator shall appoint all County representatives listed below, and other non-County representatives shall be appointed as indicated. All representatives shall serve in an advisory capacity (except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Chapter) and without any term limits.
(1) Director of Emergency Services, who shall serve as the Chair.
(2) Assistant or Deputy County Administrator or other designee of the County Administrator, who shall serve as Vice-Chair.
(3) County Counsel.
(4) County Health Officer.
(5) County Mental Health Director or designee.
(6) County Director of Community Services or designee.
(7) County Sheriff or designee.
(8) A representative from each city (at city discretion to appoint, and participation by each city is optional).
(9) Yolo County Fire Chiefs Association (one appointee).
(10) Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation (one appointee) (The Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation’s participation on the Yolo County Disaster Council shall in no way effectuate, or be interpreted to effectuate, a waiver of the Tribe’s sovereign immunity.).
(11) American Red Cross (one appointee).
(12) Two Access and Functional Needs representatives (appointed by the County Administrator).
(13) Special District Representative (appointed by the County administrator).
(14) Aging Commission (one appointee).
(15) Up to two additional at-large representatives, appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
The Chief of the Office of Emergency Services (also referred to as the Deputy Director) or designee shall be the Secretary and provide technical guidance.
A majority of Council members shall constitute a quorum of the Council for purposes of the Brown Act, excluding seats held by city representatives and any vacant seats. Members that are unable to be physically present may participate remotely in accordance with the Brown Act.
(c) Meetings. The Disaster Council shall meet bi-annually or upon the call of the Chair, or in their absence or inability to call such a meeting, upon the call of the Vice-Chair.
(§ 3, Ord. 226, as amended by § 1, Ord. 306, §§ 1 and 2, Ord. 636, eff. August 24, 1970, § 2, Ord. 671, eff. August 16, 1972, § 2, Ord. 673, eff. September 20, 1972, and § 3, Ord. 894, eff. November 6, 1980, as amended by § 1, Ord. 1359, eff. May 31, 2007, as amended by § 2, Ord. 1561, eff. April 6, 2023, as amended by § 2, Ord. 1568, eff. July 25, 2024)