Walks, driveways and parking spaces shall be provided with paved and durable surfacing so as to provide safe and easy access under normal use and weather conditions.
(Prior Code, § 19-349) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963) Penalty, see § 10.999
Wires installed above driveways and parking spaces shall have a clearance of not less than 18 feet.
(Prior Code, § 19-350) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963) Penalty, see § 10.999
Artificial lighting shall be provided to illuminate walks, driveways and parking spaces for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at night.
(Prior Code, § 19-351) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963) Penalty, see § 10.999
The electrical system shall be designed to provide adequate capacity to supply the connected load without exceeding the allowable current carrying capacity of the conductors.
(Prior Code, § 19-352) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963) Penalty, see § 10.999
No occupied travel or vacation trailer or other form of temporary-type living units shall be permitted in a mobile home court.
(Prior Code, § 19-353) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963) Penalty, see § 10.999
(A) A mobile home court shall be provided with a water supply system, a sewage disposal system and a electrical system.
(B) Utilities, including gas piping system where provided, shall have sufficient capacity to supply the requirements of the mobile home court for the maximum number of connected mobile homes.
(Prior Code, § 19-354) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963) Penalty, see § 10.999
(A) The water supply system shall be designed to provide a sufficient supply of potable water, under adequate pressure, to outlets servicing mobile homes, community structures, drinking fountains, hose connections, hydrants and the like.
(B) Where a public water supply system is not available, an adequate private water supply system, approved by the state, county or city health department having jurisdiction, shall be provided.
(Prior Code, § 19-355) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963) Penalty, see § 10.999
(A) The sewage disposal system shall provide each mobile home and community structures containing plumbing fixtures with an adequate and safe method of sewage disposal.
(B) No sewage from a plumbing system shall be disposed of, except where approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
(C) Where a public sewage disposal system is not available, an adequate private sewage disposal system, approved by the state, county or city health department having jurisdiction, shall be provided.
(Prior Code, § 19-356) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963) Penalty, see § 10.999
The gas piping system shall be designed to provide a supply of gas sufficient to meet the maximum demand without undue loss of pressure at the connection to the mobile home furthest from the source of supply.
(Prior Code, § 19-357) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963) Penalty, see § 10.999