(A) No person shall touch, tamper or in any manner manipulate or turn the cut-offs on the water mains forming a part of the water system of the town, nor shall any person tamper with or harm in any manner whatsoever any water or sewer line, main or any appurtenance thereto. No person shall throw or deposit any material or substance in any water or sewer line that will in any manner obstruct such line.
(B) No unauthorized person shall maliciously, willfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any equipment or materials belonging to the town used for the purpose of making tests or examinations and left upon the premises of a person discharging wastes into the sewers
(Prior Code, § 51.05) (Ord. passed 1-30-1973) Penalty, see § 51.999
Water rates and water and sewer connection charges shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Commissioners and shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 51.06)
Tap-on fees, see § 51.024
(A) Any owner of a house or building or other place of human habitation or occupancy within the corporate limits of the town, upon a lot which abuts or adjoins a street, alley or sewer right-of-way along which is located a public sewer collection line accessible within 200 feet of such lot, shall make a sewer connection between each house or building or other place of human habitation and each public sewer collection line, except when sewer connection cannot be made without cost for right-of-way or easement.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any owner or person in charge or control of any such lot or premises thereafter to use any dry closet or septic tank or other means of sewage disposal, or to cause, permit or suffer the same to be used.
(Prior Code, § 51.20) (Ord. passed - -) Penalty, see § 51.999
This subchapter shall be amended to allow future constructed residences (including those presently under construction but which cannot be connected to the system because of division (A) below) to be omitted from the requirements set out in this subchapter, under the following conditions:
(A) The town is prohibited by directive or order from another governmental agency or unit from allowing or permitting new connections to its waste water collection system;
(B) The County Health Department will issue a sewage disposal system permit to the owner after the subject property complies with and meets the required standards required by the department as prerequisite for issuance of such permit;
(C) The owner of said property on which a sewage disposal system is installed shall henceforth be responsible to the town and its citizens to keep said system in good maintenance and working order and to comply with all requirements of state law and rules and regulations of the County Health Department;
(D) In event the subject property on which a residence is constructed is located within 200 feet of a sewer collection line of the town, and the town at any time in the future advises the then owner of said property that a sewer tap/connection should be made, said owner shall pay the then required tap-on fee and connect to the town’s sewer collection system in accordance with this code and any applicable ordinances of the town requiring connections within six months from the date that written notice is mailed by the town to the owner;
(E) Any sewage disposal system permit issued by the County Health Department shall refer to and contain a copy of this section attached to the same; and/or
(F) The County Health Department, prior to issuance of such permit, request of the Town Clerk written notification that this section is still in effect.
(Prior Code, § 51.21) (Ord. passed 10-2-1978)
(A) Any person desiring to connect any premises with the sewer system of the town shall first obtain a permit therefor from the Public Works Department.
(B) Any person desiring a permit shall make application therefor to the Public Works Department, such application to state the name of the owner of the premises involved, number of lot and name of street upon which the premises are located, size and number of connection, type of street in front of connection, and a rough sketch (but accurate as possible) of the lot, house and street.
(C) A tap-on fee shall be paid to the town as a prerequisite to issuance of a permit.
(Prior Code, § 51.23) (Ord. passed - -)