ABC Board
34.01 Membership
34.02 Qualifications
34.03 Vacancy
34.04 Removal
34.05 Salary
34.06 Conflicts of interest
34.07 Bond
34.08 Limited liability
County Historic Preservation Commission
34.20 Purpose
34.21 General provisions
34.22 Designation of Historic Districts
34.23 Designation of landmarks
34.24 Alteration or demolition of designated landmark or historic district
34.25 Delay in demolition of landmarks and buildings within historic districts
34.26 Records of Commission
34.27 Receipt and expenditure of funds
34.28 Staff and technical services
34.29 Ownership of property
34.30 Ordinance to apply to publicly owned buildings and structures
34.31 Conflict with other laws
34.32 Remedies
The Town ABC Board shall consist of three members appointed for three-year terms. The Board of Commissioners shall appoint one member for a three-year term, one member for a two-year term and one member for a one-year term. As the terms of the original Board members expire, their successors shall be appointed for three-year terms. The Board of Commissioners shall designate one member as Chairperson.
(Ord. passed 2-23-2010)