This Code, as hereby presented in printed form, shall hereafter be received without further proof in all courts and in all administrative tribunals of this State as the ordinances of the Village of general and permanent effect, except the excluded ordinances enumerated in section 1-2-1 of this title. (1973 Code)
Any ordinance amending this Code shall set forth the title, chapter and section number of the section or sections to be amended, and this shall constitute a sufficient compliance with any statutory requirement pertaining to the amendment or revision by ordinance of any part of this Code. All such amendments or revisions by ordinance shall be immediately forwarded to the codifiers and the said ordinance material shall be prepared for insertion in its proper place in each copy of this Code. Each such replacement page shall be properly identified and shall be inserted in each individual copy of this Code within thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. (1973 Code)
In the determination of the provisions of each section of this Code, the following rules shall be observed:
   (A)   Intent To Defraud: Whenever an intent to defraud is required in order to constitute an offense, it shall be sufficient if an intent appears to defraud any person.
   (B)   Liability Of Employers And Agents: When the provisions of any section of this Code prohibits the commission of an act, not only the person actually doing the prohibited act or omitting the directed act, but also the employer and all other persons concerned with or in aiding or abetting the said person shall be guilty of the offense described and liable to the penalty set forth. (1973 Code)
It shall be deemed unlawful for any person to alter, change, replace or deface in any way any section or any page of this Code in such a manner that the meaning of any phrase or order may be changed or omitted. Replacement pages shall be inserted according to the official instructions when so authorized by the Village Board. The Clerk shall see that the replacement pages are properly inserted in the official copies maintained in the Office of the Clerk.
Any person having in his custody an official copy of this Code shall make every effort to maintain said Code in an up to date and efficient manner. He shall see to the immediate insertion of new or replacement pages when such are delivered to him or made available to him through the Office of the Village Clerk. Said Code books, while in actual possession of officials and other interested persons, shall be and remain the property of the Village and shall be returned to the Office of the Clerk when directed so to do by order of the Village Board. (1973 Code)
The Board shall determine by resolution the distribution of the City Code books at no charge, which shall include but not be limited to: all Board of Trustee members; the Chief of Police and any other interested Village official, together with the three (3) copies required by State law to be on file in the City Clerk's Office.
Code books not assigned by resolution of the Board may be distributed to individuals on an annual lease basis with the annual charge for use thereof being in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00), payable to the City Clerk. Ownership of the Code books shall always remain with the Village. The Clerk shall furnish replacement pages to the lease holder as they may be issued from time to time. (1973 Code; amd. Ord. 84-O-30, 6-25-1984)