113.01 Definitions
113.02 Permit
113.03 Streets and alleys
113.04 Drilling unit and well location
113.05 One well on drilling unit
113.06 Application and filing fee
113.07 Notice
113.08 Issuance or refusal of permit
113.09 Holder of major interest in drilling unit entitled to permit
113.10 Termination of permit
113.11 Permittee's bond
113.12 Appointment of Oil and Gas Inspector
113.13 Derrick and rig
113.14 Pits
113.15 Casing
113.16 Setting and cementing casing
113.17 Valves and blow-out preventers
113.18 Drilling fluid
113.19 Drill stem tests
113.20 Tubing
113.21 Bradenhead
113.22 Christmas tree and well head connections
113.23 Premises to be kept clean and sanitary
113.24 Mufflers required
113.25 Storage tanks and rights-of-way
113.26 Fence
113.27 Signs
113.28 Venting and flaring of gas
113.29 Abandonment and plugging
113.30 Disposal of salt water
113.31 Tax
113.32 Violations
113.33 Effective date
113.99 Penalty