Business Licensing
   110.01   Purpose
   110.02   Definitions
   110.03   Conducting business without license deemed unlawful
   110.04   Exempt activities
   110.05   Applications
   110.06   License fee; term
   110.07   Investigation and issuance
   110.08   Denial
   110.09   License contents
   110.10   License required for each place of business; posting and exhibition
   110.11   License nontransferable
   110.12   Renewals
   110.13   Suspension or revocation
   110.14   Return of fees
Contractors, Subcontractors and Tradesperson Licensing
   110.25   License or registration required
   110.26   Exceptions
   110.27   Definition
   110.28   License fee; term
   110.29   Insurance required
   110.30   Authority to deny license
   110.31   License changes
   110.32   Responsibility for contracted work
   110.33   Safety standards generally
   110.34   Suspension or revocation of license
   110.99   Penalty
§ 110.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this subchapter shall be to require the licensing of all business activities and enterprises physically located within the town and to provide the town with necessary information concerning the businesses within the town, including, but not limited to, the nature of the business operation, the number of employees, place of business and emergency contacts, in order to protect the health, welfare and safety of the town’s inhabitants.
(Ord. 05-2015, passed 6-4-2015)
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUSINESS. Includes all kinds of vocations, occupations, home occupations, professions, enterprises and establishments, any of which are conducted on any premises within the town or anywhere else within its jurisdiction.
   PREMISES. Includes all land, structures and places, and the equipment and appurtenances connected or used therewith, in any business, and also any personal property which is either affixed to, or otherwise used in connection with, any such business conducted on the premises.
   TOWN CLERK. The Town Clerk for the Town of Wiggins, or such person’s designee.
(Ord. 05-2015, passed 6-4-2015)
   It is unlawful for any person, whether as a principal, agent, clerk or employee, either for himself, herself or for any other person, corporation or otherwise, to commence, carry on or establish any kind of business without first having received from the town a business license to do so or without complying with any and all regulations of such business contained in this subchapter.
(Ord. 05-2015, passed 6-4-2015) Penalty, see § 110.99
   (A)   The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to:
      (1)   Any canvassing on behalf of a candidate for elective public office or for proponents of a measure to be placed on the ballot;
      (2)   Activity consisting solely of mere delivery in the town where no intent exists or is shown to exist to evade the provisions of this subchapter;
      (3)   The selling of newspapers on public streets or in public places in a manner otherwise in compliance with town ordinances;
      (4)   Established delivery routes, persons calling by appointment, yard sales or garage sales;
      (5)   Activities of the federal or state government or municipal corporations;
      (6)   Occasional babysitting not including childcare operations; and
      (7)   Businesses that have a state standard retail license and either do not have a physical presence within the town or have only an incidental physical presence in the town, as provided in C.R.S. § 39-26-802.9, as amended.
   (B)   The burden of proving an exemption to this subchapter is upon the person claiming such exemption. Determinations regarding the application of an exemption shall be made in writing by the Town Clerk. The business subject to such determination may appeal the determination to the Town Manager, whose decision shall be final. Any appeal to the Town Manager shall be made in writing within 15 days of the Clerk’s determination.
(Ord. 05-2015, passed 6-4-2015)