   (A)   The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to:
      (1)   Any canvassing on behalf of a candidate for elective public office or for proponents of a measure to be placed on the ballot;
      (2)   Activity consisting solely of mere delivery in the town where no intent exists or is shown to exist to evade the provisions of this subchapter;
      (3)   The selling of newspapers on public streets or in public places in a manner otherwise in compliance with town ordinances;
      (4)   Established delivery routes, persons calling by appointment, yard sales or garage sales;
      (5)   Activities of the federal or state government or municipal corporations;
      (6)   Occasional babysitting not including childcare operations; and
      (7)   Businesses that have a state standard retail license and either do not have a physical presence within the town or have only an incidental physical presence in the town, as provided in C.R.S. § 39-26-802.9, as amended.
   (B)   The burden of proving an exemption to this subchapter is upon the person claiming such exemption. Determinations regarding the application of an exemption shall be made in writing by the Town Clerk. The business subject to such determination may appeal the determination to the Town Manager, whose decision shall be final. Any appeal to the Town Manager shall be made in writing within 15 days of the Clerk’s determination.
(Ord. 05-2015, passed 6-4-2015)
   (A)   Every person required to obtain a license under this subchapter shall submit a license application to the Town Clerk.
   (B)   The application shall contain:
      (1)   The name of the business for which a license is requested, and the name of the person, firm or corporation requesting such license;
      (2)   The residence address of the applicant and, if the applicant is an entity, the names of the officers, directors and owners of such entity and the address of such entity’s principal place of business;
      (3)   The nature of the business to be performed, practiced or carried out;
      (4)   The street address, if any, where such business is to be carried on;
      (5)    The telephone number of the business; the name of the manager of the business, if any; and the number of employees of the business;
      (6)   The year for which such license is sought;
      (7)   A copy of the state sales tax license for the business; and
      (8)   Any other relevant information required for compliance with this subchapter or deemed to be reasonably necessary by the Town Clerk for the fair administration of this subchapter.
(Ord. 05-2015, passed 6-4-2015)
   (A)   (1)   There shall be paid, by each applicant for a business license, a non-refundable annual business license fee in an amount set by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
      (2)   Such fees shall be paid in advance at the time application therefor is made to the Town Clerk. For business licenses issued after June 30 of any year, the license fee for the year of issuance will be one-half of the annual license fee.
   (B)   All licenses shall expire on January 1 of each calendar year unless sooner revoked, cancelled or suspended.
(Ord. 05-2015, passed 6-4-2015)