(a) All Applications. All applications for preliminary approval of a subdivision and/or land development shall include the following:
(1) Completed application form supplied by the Borough;
(2) Application filing fee, as required by Section 1395.01; and
(3) Five copies of a preliminary plat, containing the following information:
A. A boundary survey by a registered professional surveyor and topographical survey of the total proposed subdivision by a registered engineer or registered surveyor. If the developer intends to develop a tract of land in phases, the preliminary plat must include the total tract;
B. The proposed name of the subdivision;
C. The name and address of the registered engineer or registered surveyor who prepared the plat and the registered surveyor who did the survey shown on the plat;
D. The names and addresses of the developer and, if the developer is not the landowner, the names and addresses of the landowner;
E. The proposed street layout in the subdivision;
F. The layout of lots (showing scaled dimensions), lot numbers and the area of lots in square feet;
G. Parcels of land proposed to be reserved for schools, parks, playgrounds or other public, semipublic or community purposes;
H. The legend and notes;
I. Front building lines;
J. The graphic scale, north point and date;
K. A location map showing the subdivision name and location; major existing thoroughfares related to the subdivision, including the distance therefrom, title, graphic scale and north point;
L. Contours at intervals of elevation of not more than five feet where the slope is greater than ten percent (10%) and at intervals of not more than two feet where the slope is ten percent (10%) or less;
M. Existing streets and rights of way on or adjoining the site, including dedicated width, roadway widths, approximate gradients, types and widths of pavements, curbs, sidewalks and other pertinent data;
N. Existing and proposed easements, locations, widths and purposes;
O. Proposed public improvements. The size of each should be shown and the location of, or distance to, each existing utility indicated;
P. The existing platting of land adjacent to the subdivision. All existing buildings, sewers, water mains, culverts, petroleum or high-pressure gas lines and fire hydrants on or adjoining the site shall be shown;
Q. Tabulation of site data, including total acreage of land to be subdivided, the number of residential lots, typical lot size, the acreage in the subdivision and the acreage in any proposed recreation areas;
R. Existing watercourses and other significant natural features; and
S. Areas subject to periodic flooding.
(b) Additional Requirements for Certain Applications. For all applications which propose a subdivision or land development for multi-family housing or commercial or industrial purposes, the following information also shall be required to be submitted as part of the preliminary application:
(1) A geologic report by a qualified registered professional engineer regarding soil and subsurface conditions and the probable measures needed to be considered in the design of the development, the location of structures and the design of foundations, if any;
(2) A copy of a report from the U.S. Soil Conservation Service concerning soil conditions and water resources;
(3) A soil erosion and sedimentation control plan prepared by a person trained and experienced in control methods and techniques which conforms to the requirements of the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law and Chapter 102 of the Rules and Regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources governing erosion control. The plan shall be approved by the Allegheny County Conservation District;
(4) A report evaluating the impact of the development on existing off-site streets and other off-site public facilities and utilities, including, but not limited to, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, parks and schools; and
(5) Five copies of a land development plan, as defined by Title Seven, which includes the following information:
A. The zoning classification of the area to be subdivided or developed;
B. The proposed use, location, area, height and bulk of all proposed structures;
C. The layout of parking areas and a computation of the number of parking spaces to be provided;
D. Patterns of pedestrian and vehicular circulation on the site;
E. Location, size and specifications for private improvements such as curbs, sidewalks, wheelstops and the like;
F. Location and specifications for lighting of parking areas and walkways;
G. The location and types of proposed landscaping materials;
H. Dates of preparation and revisions to the plan; and
I. Evidence of preparation by a registered architect, landscape architect or engineer.
(Ord. 2748. Passed 11-17-86.)