All applications for final approval of a subdivision and/or land development shall include the following:
   (a)   Completed application form supplied by the Borough;
   (b)   Application filing fee, as required by Section 1395.01;
   (c)   Copy of the approved preliminary plat;
   (d)   Construction plans for public improvements prepared by a registered engineer drawn on sheets measuring twenty-four by thirty-six inches (24" x  which show the following:
      (1)   Conformity with the design standards specified in Article 1389 and the Borough construction standards;
      (2)   Plans in profile of each street in the plan and at least two hundred feet beyond the limits of the plan;
      (3)   At least three cross sections at intervals not to exceed one hundred feet and extending fifty feet on each side of the street centerline or twenty-five feet outside of the street right of way, whichever is greater;
      (4)   All drainage easements over private property;
      (5)   The location  of all necessary sewers, manholes and catch basins;
      (6)   The top and invert elevation of each inlet and manhole, together with the grade of each sewer line;
      (7)   The grade line, distance and pipe size of each line in the storm drainage system within the plan and any storm drainage system immediately adjacent thereto;
      (8)   All pipe sizes and distances shown by plan and profile; and
      (9)   The location of each wye as proposed for installation;
   (e)   Completion bond to guarantee proper installation of public improvements as required by Section 1385.08;
   (f)   Final covenants and restrictions applicable to the plan, if any; and
   (g)   Final plat in accurate and final form for recording which clearly delineates the following:
      (1)   Accurate boundary lines, with dimensions and bearings according to the following minimum surveying standards:
Relative error of closure
Angular closure
(Traverse with N angles)
Distance precision
Angle precision
Position precision
0.20 feet
      (2)   Accurate locations of all existing and recorded streets intersecting the boundaries of the tract of land described in the final plat;
      (3)   Street names;
      (4)   Complete curve data for all curves included in the final plat, including radius, arc length, chord bearing and chord distance.  Lines which join these curves that are nonradial or nontangential should be so noted;
      (5)   Street lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet, with angles to the nearest one minute of street and lot lines;
      (6)   Lot numbers and dimensions;
      (7)   Easements for public improvements and any limitations on such easements;
      (8)   Accurate dimensions of any property to be reserved for public, semipublic or community use;
      (9)   Location, type and size of all monuments and lot markers in accordance with the standards and requirements of the County Planning Commission and an indication of whether they were found or set;
      (10)   The name of the subdivision;
      (11)   The names and addresses of the developer, and, if the developer is not the landowner, the names and addresses of the landowner;
      (12)   The north point, graphic scale and date;
      (13)   Certification and seal by a registered professional engineer or registered surveyor to the effect that:
         A.   The plat represents a survey made by him, and that all monuments indicated thereon actually exist and their location, size and material are correctly shown; and
         B.   All engineering and surveying requirements of Title Seven have been fully complied with;
      (14)   Certification of the dedication of streets and other property;
      (15)   A place on the plat for approval by the Planning Commission, Council, Borough Engineer and the County Planning Commission;
      (16)   Final building lines; and
      (17)   If applicable, a notation on the plat that access to a State highway shall only be authorized by a highway occupancy permit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation under Section 420 of the State Highway Law (P.L. 1242, No. 428 of June 1, 1945).
         (Ord. 2748.  Passed 11-17-86.)