(a) General Procedure. After a preliminary application has been approved by Council, the developer may proceed by filing either of the following types of applications:
(1) A final application without final plat approval, whereupon required improvements are installed prior to a request for final plat approval; or
(2) A final application, including final plat approval, together with surety to guarantee proper installation of required improvements in the plan.
In either case, the applicant shall submit five copies of the final application to the Borough, on a form provided by the Borough at least ten working days, but no sooner than fifteen working days, prior to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission. A copy of the approved preliminary plan shall accompany the final application. Upon receipt, copies of the application shall be distributed to the Borough Engineer, members of the Planning Commission and Council.
(b) Final Application Including Final Plat Approval. A final application shall not be considered to be complete and properly filed unless and until all items required by Section 1385.06, including the application fee, have been received.
(c) Final Applications Without Final Plat Approval. In the case of a final application which does not include final plat approval, the completion bond required by Section 1385.06(e) shall not be required; however, all other materials required to complete a final application, including the final plat required by Section 1385.06(g), shall be submitted. The application fee shall be submitted at the time of filing the initial final application and additional fees shall not be charged at the time of the request for final plat approval, if the request for final plat approval is submitted within twelve months of the date of submission of the initial final application.
(Ord. 2748. Passed 11-17-86.)