(a) Final Applications Including Final Plat Approval.
(1) At the first regular meeting of the Planning Commission following submission of the final application, the Planning Commission shall consider the final application. The Borough Engineer shall present an oral report at the Planning Commission meeting which states whether the application complies with the requirements of Title Seven and that report shall be included in the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission shall not make a recommendation on the application until the report of the Engineer has been received.
(2) Within thirty days of the date of filing of the application, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation, in writing, to Council for approval or disapproval of the final application. The recommendation of the Planning Commission shall provide reasons for the recommendation and, in the case of a recommendation for disapproval, shall cite the specific requirements of Title Seven which have not been met.
(3) Within thirty days of the date of the Planning Commission's recommendation, Council shall either approve or disapprove the final application at a public meeting. The Planning Commission's recommendation and the Planning Commission minutes containing the report of the Borough Engineer shall be made a part of the record at that meeting.
(4) A letter indicating approval or disapproval shall be sent to the applicant by regular mail within fifteen days of the date of the decision. If the final application is not approved, Council shall specify the defects found in the final application and cite the requirements of Title Seven which have not been met.
(b) Final Applications Without Final Plat Approval. Final applications without final plat approval shall be approved or disapproved in accordance with the procedures specified in subsection (a) hereof. If the developer's final application without final plat approval has been approved and the developer has obtained all necessary permits and approvals from the Borough and County, State or federal agencies, if any are required, the developer may proceed to construct improvements as indicated in the final application seventy-two hours after the developer has notified the Borough Manager by certified mail. The Manager shall then authorize the progress inspections required by Section 1387.01. The installation of all improvements shall be subject to the progress inspections required by Section 1387.01.
(c) Final Plat Approval After Completion of Improvements.
(1) Upon completion of the improvements contained in the final application, the developer shall notify the Borough, in writing, of the completion and shall submit five copies of the final plat, as required by Section 1385.06(g) with the notice of completion. Within ten days of the receipt of the notice of completion and submission of the final plat, Council shall authorize the Borough Engineer to inspect the improvements and review the final plat to determine whether the final plat is in conformance with the previously approved final application and all applicable requirements of Title Seven and whether the proper officers of the Borough can affix their signatures to the final plat for recording purposes.
(2) Within thirty days of receiving such authorization, the Borough Engineer shall report to Council, in writing, whether the completed improvements comply with the requirements of Title Seven and the Borough construction standards and whether the final plat complies with all applicable requirements of Title Seven. The Engineer's report shall indicate approval or rejection of the improvements, either in whole or in part, and, in the case of rejection, shall contain a statement of reasons for such rejection.
(3) Within forty-five days of receipt of the notice of completion of improvements, Council shall notify the developer, in writing, by certified or registered mail, of the approval or rejection of the improvements. Acceptance of the improvements shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 1387.05 and shall be further subject to the posting of the maintenance bond required by Section 1387.06.
(4) Within forty-five days of the submission of the final plat, Council shall either approve or disapprove the final plat for recording purposes at a public meeting. The Engineer's written report shall be made a part of the record at that meeting. A letter indicating approval or disapproval shall be sent to the developer by regular mail within fifteen days of the date of the decision. If the final plat is not approved, Council shall specify the defects found in the final plat and shall cite the requirements of Title Seven which have not been met.
(d) Phased Approval. In the case where development of a subdivision or land development is projected over a period of years, the Borough authorizes submission of final applications by sections or phases of development, subject to such requirements or guarantees for public improvements in future sections or phases of the development which are essential for the protection of the public welfare and any existing or proposed section or phase of the plan.
All sections or phases must conform to the preliminary application as previously approved by the Borough. Any phase that contains substantive changes in the number of lots or buildings proposed or in the layout of the lots, buildings or streets previously approved in the preliminary application will require complete resubmission of the preliminary application in accordance with Sections 1385.02 through 1385.04.
(Ord. 2748. Passed 11-17-86.)