(a) Planning Commission Recommendation. At the first regular meeting of the Planning Commission after the date of filing of a preliminary application, the Planning Commission shall consider the preliminary application. The Borough Engineer shall present an oral report at the Planning Commission meeting which states whether an application complies with the requirements of Title Seven and that report shall be included in the minutes at the Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission shall not make a recommendation on the application until the report of the Engineer has been received.
Within forty-five days of the date of filing of the application, the Planning Commission shall make a written recommendation to Council for approval or disapproval of the preliminary application. The recommendation of the Planning Commission shall provide reasons for the recommendation and, in the case of a recommendation for disapproval, shall cite the specific requirements of Title Seven which have not been met.
(b) Council Action. Within ninety days of the date of filing of a preliminary application, Council shall either approve or disapprove the preliminary application at a public meeting. The recommendation of the Planning Commission and the Planning Commission minutes containing the report of the Borough Engineer shall be made a part of the record at that meeting.
A letter indicating approval or disapproval shall be sent to the applicant by regular mail within fifteen days of the date of the decision. If the preliminary application is not approved, Council shall specify the defects found in the preliminary application and cite the requirements of Title Seven which have not been met.
(Ord. 2748. Passed 11-17-86.)