Off-Street Parking and Loading
1355.01   Purpose.
1355.02   General requirements.
1355.03   Location requirements in all districts.
1355.04   Design requirements in all districts.
1355.05   Required landscaping in all districts except R-1A, R-1B, R-1C and R-2.
1355.06   Required screening in all districts except R-1A, R-1B, R-1C and R-2.
1355.07   Landscaping plan submission requirements.
1355.08   Exterior lighting.
1355.09   Joint or shared parking.
1355.10   Minimum number of required parking spaces per use.
1355.11   Off-street loading and unloading.
1355.12   Minimum number of off-street loading berths per use.
Parking and loading definitions - see P. & Z. 1327.02