(a)   The number of required off-street parking spaces may be eliminated or reduced if there exists within 500 feet of the church, synagogue or house of worship, public or private parking lots containing a sufficient number of off-street parking spaces to satisfy the requirements of this section. The church, synagogue or house of worship shall provide the difference if the number of parking spaces in the private or public lots is below the number required. Any spaces provided in public or private lots shall be shown to be available for worshippers on the day or days of greatest use. A written agreement between the owner of the parking lot and the church, synagogue or house of worship shall be provided to the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Recognizing that land uses can have different principal operating hours, the Planning Administrator may approve joint or shared parking when the nature of the parking demands of two types of uses warrants consideration. Up to fifty percent of the off-street parking spaces required by this section may be supplied in connection with another permitted use in close proximity that is not normally open, used or operated during the principal operating hours of the second use. A letter to the Planning Administrator is required establishing the rights of each use in question to the use of such joint parking area so long as such use exists and is filed with the certificate of Zoning Compliance.