(a)   All exterior lighting in all districts except for R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, and R-2 and in connection with all nonresidential uses and multi-family uses in all other residential districts shall be of such a type and location and shall have such shielding as will direct the light downward and will prevent the source of light from being visible from any adjacent residential property or street. “Source of light” shall be deemed to include any transparent or translucent lighting which is an integral part of the lighting fixture(s). Site illumination for uncovered areas shall be evenly distributed.
   (b)   Light sources shall comply with the following:
      (1)   The number and spacing of required light pole standards in a parking lot shall be determined based on the type of fixture, height of pole, number of fixtures on the pole, and the desired lighting level. Unless the applicant can demonstrate a reasonable alternative, lighting shall be considered evenly distributed if the light fixtures are placed at intervals that equal four times the mounting height.
      (2)   Pole placement, mounting height, and fixture design shall serve to minimize lighting from becoming a nuisance. All light sources shall be arranged so as to reflect away from adjacent properties. All light sources shall be shielded or positioned so as to prevent glare from becoming a hazard or a nuisance, or having a negative impact on site users, adjacent properties, or the traveling public. Excessive spillover of light to nearby properties shall be avoided. Glare shall be minimized to drivers on adjacent streets.
      (3)   Poles shall be rustproof metal, cast iron, fiberglass, finished wood or similar structural material, with a decorative surface or finish.
      (4)   Poles in pedestrian areas shall not be greater than 15 feet in height and shall utilize underground wiring.
      (5)   Poles in all other areas shall not exceed 25 feet in height, and shall utilize underground wiring.
      (6)   Light sources on structures shall not exceed 25 feet, or the height of the structure, whichever is less.
      (7)   Safe pole locations: Breakaway poles shall not be used in parking lots. Poles shall not be erected along the outside of roadway and ramp curves or where vehicles must make sharp turns. Poles shall not be located where they might be susceptible to collision strikes. Poles located behind longitudinal traffic barriers shall be offset sufficiently to allow for barrier deflection under impact.
      (8)   Pole location in parking lots: Pole locations shall be coordinated with stall and aisle layouts. Where practical, poles shall be near the end of parking rows or around the perimeter of the lot. When located at parking stall boundaries, light poles shall be mounted on concrete pedestals. Where raised medians or islands are used to separate adjacent stalls, light poles shall be placed in these areas unless pedestrian traffic will be inconvenienced. Where light poles are placed between parking rows in the interior of the lot, the poles shall be located on the center line of double rows of parking stalls and on the center line of two opposing stalls and shall not be placed on the stall line between cars where fender damage might occur.