(a)   General Standards. Adequate space for off-street loading, unloading, and receiving (known hereinafter as loading) area or facility shall be provided for any building or land used for commercial, industrial, or high-density residential purposes.
      (1)   The area provided shall be consistent with the size and proposed use of the facility.
      (2)   The area shall be designed in consideration of the nature and location of adjacent uses.
      (3)   Loading facilities shall be designed as part of an overall site plan.
      (4)   The facilities shall be safe and convenient for intended users and efficient in layout and design.
      (5)   The area shall be designed so as not to impede normal vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
      (6)   Space allocated for loading shall not be used to satisfy any portion of the site's off-street parking requirement.
      (7)   Major truck repair work and/or service of any kind are not allowed in loading areas.
      (8)   Multi-tenanted structures shall be designed so as to allow access to all tenants to a common loading area.
   (b)   Location Requirements
      (1)   Loading areas, including accessory trailer parking areas, shall be allowed only in rear yards. Where this is not possible due to site layout reasons, such as unsafe or inadequate manueverability, such areas may be located in the side yard(s).
      (2)   All loading areas or facilities shall be located on the same lot as the use served.
      (3)   There shall be no loading in a yard abutting a public street.
      (4)   All loading areas shall be located so as to minimize danger of access to the loading area. No loading area shall be located near an open ditch.
      (5)   All entrances and exits to loading areas shall be located in a safe and convenient pattern with minimal impact on traffic movement on adjacent streets. Entrances and exits shall not be located within the required line-of- sight triangle of an intersection, nor may they be located within forty feet of the nearest point of intersection of any two streets or highways.
   (c)   Design Requirements
      (1)   The design of loading areas shall comply with current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) templates.
      (2)   Loading areas may be open to the sky, if located in a rear yard, or enclosed within a building.
      (3)   All loading areas and their aisles shall be curbed and shall be fully paved or improved with a compacted select gravel base, not less than seven inches thick, and surfaced with an all-weather dustless material.
      (4)   Loading areas and their aisles shall be graded, surfaced, drained, and suitably maintained as required by BOCA/UCC.
      (5)   All loading areas shall be properly screened and landscaped in accordance with Sections 1355.05, 1355.06 and 1355.07.
      (6)   All loading areas shall be properly lit in accordance with Section 1355.08.
      (7)   General circulation and maneuvering: The circulation and maneuvering of trucks on site shall comply with established AASHTO turning point templates or with such other design requirements as may be established from time to time by the City Engineer.
      (8)   Each loading berth shall be not less than twelve [ten] feet in width, forty feet in length, and have a minimum clearance of fourteen feet, and may occupy all or any part of any required yard. Where necessary, a loading berth of twelve feet by 60 feet may be required.
      (9)   Loading Berth Requirements. The minimum requirements for the number and size of loading berths are given below in Table 9-B. The requirements are based on the gross floor area of the building(s). Where a use is required to have off-street loading but is located in a building with less gross floor area than the required minimum, the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission shall nevertheless require adequate off-street loading on the same lot.