(a)   Entrances and exits to parking areas shall be in a safe and convenient location with minimal impact on traffic movement on adjacent streets. Adequate reservoir space for queuing of cars shall be provided. Uses with drive–through facilities shall provide a minimum of 100 feet in a stacking or queuing lane in the side or rear yards. Entrances and exits shall not be located within the required line-of-sight triangle of an intersection or less than 50 feet from the projected intersecting curb lines. All entrances and exits to parking areas shall be clearly marked with appropriate directional arrows and traffic signs as required for traffic control. All parking stalls shall be marked with four-inch wide lines.
(Ord. 12225. Passed 4-17-01.)
   (b)   All off-street parking and vehicular areas shall be curbed with full depth concrete or granite block and paved or otherwise improved with an all-weather dustless material, such as a bituminous or Portland cement concrete pavement or similar surface material approved by the City Engineer. (Ord. 14387. Passed 11-7-12.)
   (c)   All parking areas shall be properly screened and landscaped in accordance with Section 1355.05.
   (d)   All off-street parking areas shall be adequately and properly lit as set forth in Section 1355.08.
   (e)   Aisles must be of adequate width for the driver to maneuver a vehicle into a parking space in one continuous movement. Parking spaces that back-out directly into a street are prohibited, except for one and two-family dwellings.
   (f)   A two-foot landscaped overhang area for any parking stall type may be provided. The overhang area shall be landscaped and shall have full depth curbing. The overhang area shall not reduce the clear width of an accessible route for parking spaces or for walking. Wheelstops shall be provided so that vehicles are prevented from driving or moving off the paved area or damaging surrounding fences, walls, or landscaping.
   (g)   All parking areas for more than five vehicles shall be marked with paint lines, curb stones, or in some manner approved by the City Engineer and shall be maintained in a clearly visible fashion.
   (h)   All parking areas shall be arranged and designed to prevent damage to adjacent fences, walls, plantings and lighting fixtures.
   (i)   All driveway or access drive permits and parking area plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.
(Ord. 12225. Passed 4-17-01; Ord. 14387. Passed 11-7-12.)