   90.01   General provisions
   90.02   Running at large
   90.03   Cleaning up of litter
   90.04   Number of animals
   90.05   Dangerous or potentially dangerous dog
   90.06   Dangerous animals
   90.07   Noisy animals
   90.08   Farm and other small domestic animals
   90.09   Steel leg hold traps
   90.10   Keeping of dangerous exotic animals or dangerous wild, native animals
   (A)   License required. All dogs and cats over four months of age, kept, harbored or maintained by their owner within the limits of the city must be licensed and registered as provided in this section. All owners must complete an application provided by the City Clerk and pay a license fee set by City Council resolution. This section does not apply to dogs used by police departments.
   (B)   Vaccination required.
      (1)   The applicant for a dog or cat license must show a current rabies vaccination certificate that a doctor qualified to practice veterinary medicine has vaccinated the animal against rabies, and that the effective period of the vaccination has not expired at the time the license is issued.
      (2)   The vaccine must be of a type approved and authorized for use by the United States Department of Agriculture.
   (C)   Tags. Upon payment of the license fee, the City Clerk will issue the owner a license certificate and a metallic tag for each animal licensed. The tag will have stamped on it a number corresponding to the number on the license certificate.
   (D)   Collar. Every owner of a dog or cat required to be licensed will be required to provide the animal with a collar to which the license tag must be affixed, and the collar with tag attached must be worn by the animal at all times.
   (E)   Duplicate tags; transfer. In the event an animal tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate will be issued by the City Clerk upon presentation of the proof of a paid license and upon payment for the duplicate license. Tags are not transferable from one animal to another, and no refunds will be made on any license fee.
(2001 Code, § 905.01)
   (A)   Definition. An animal is RUNNING AT LARGE if it:
      (1)   Is not effectively contained within a fenced area; or
      (2)   Is on any unfenced area or lot abutting a street, alley, public park, public place or upon any other private land without being effectively restrained by chain, leash or an electronic pet containment device from moving beyond such unfenced area or lot; or
      (3)   Is on any street, public park, school grounds or public place without being effectively restrained by chain or leash.
   (B)   General rule. The license holder, owner or keeper of any animal will be responsible for the effective restraint of the animal and must not permit the animal to run at large.
   (C)   On owner’s premises. When an animal is on its owner’s premises, it will be considered to be within the effective direction, supervision and control of the owner.
   (D)   Impounding. Any officer or any person duly authorized by the city may capture and seize any animal found running at large within the city contrary to the provisions of this section.
   (E)   Redemption. Any animal seized and impounded may be redeemed by any person producing a license or proving ownership by a statement in writing within five days after such seizure and impounding and by paying the impound fee, plus any additional boarding costs, redemption fees, license fees or special call-back services costs incurred by the city by the impoundment and, upon presentation of payment, the city will release the animal to the owner. If the animal is unlicensed, a license must be obtained before it may be released. If the owner of the seized or impounded animal under the provisions of this section does not reclaim possession of the animal in compliance with the foregoing provisions within five days after the seizure or impounding, the owner will forfeit all right of property in the animal.
   (F)   Interfering with enforcement. A person must not interfere with any city official, animal control officer or police officer while engaged in performing work under the provisions of this section.
   (G)   Disposition of unclaimed animals. At the expiration of five days from the time the animal is impounded as provided for in this section, if the animal is not reclaimed according to the provisions in this section, it will be the duty of the city to dispose of the animal in a humane manner and according to law.