(A) All accessory buildings, uses, and structures shall require a zoning permit. Accessory buildings, accessory uses, and accessory structures shall be permitted in all districts, provided each is customarily incidental and subordinate to a principal use. There must be a principal structure on the lot prior to the issuance of a zoning permit for an accessory building or structure, except adjacent lots under the same ownership may have an accessory structure located on a lot adjacent to the principal structure.
(B) No use that is to be carried on in an accessory building or structure shall be in violation of the permitted uses in that district.
(C) All accessory buildings, uses, and structures shall comply with the side and rear yard setback requirements for that district. Accessory structures shall only be located in the side or rear yard, except garages, carports, fencing, mailboxes, and structures customarily associated with being the front yard may be located in the front yard.
(D) Except as provided elsewhere in this code, no accessory structure shall be constructed and used as a dwelling; provided, however, that one residential unit for a caretaker may be permitted in conjunction with any active industrial establishment.
(Ord. passed 6-3-2019)