(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that the processes by which this zoning ordinance are effectuated have been clearly identified and delineated. This chapter shall outline the duties and powers of the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, Zoning Officer, the zoning permit process, the appeals process, and other enforcement related provisions.
   (B)   Powers and duties of Zoning Officer. Council shall appoint a Zoning Officer, who shall have the authority to administer and enforce this code. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Keep a record of applications for zoning permits and all zoning permits and accompanying plans issued with notations as to special conditions. All records shall be open for public inspection;
      (2)   Review permit applications and notifications as necessary to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter. No permit shall be issued unless it conforms to all applicable ordinances, statutes, and regulations;
      (3)   All questions or interpretation and enforcement shall be initially presented and determined by the Zoning Officer, except where otherwise specified. Subsequent recourse shall be, in order, to the Board of Zoning Appeals and the courts;
      (4)   Upon finding that provisions of this chapter have been violated, notify the person or party in writing responsible for the violation(s), order the action necessary to correct the violation, and if correction is not completed within the time specified in the notice of violation, begin legal actions necessary to compel correction of the violation;
      (5)   Maintain official zoning maps;
      (6)   Provide information on planning and zoning upon request by citizens and public agencies;
      (7)   Submit, at least annually, a written report on all permits issued and notice and orders issued; and
      (8)   Perform additional tasks and duties as may be prescribed by the City Council.
   (C)   Zoning permit.
      (1)   No building or structure shall be constructed, erected, expanded, enlarged, or otherwise structurally altered until a zoning permit has been issued by the Zoning Officer.
      (2)   Applications for a zoning permit shall be made available at City Hall.
      (3)   All applications for zoning permits shall be made in writing by the owner of the property or lot or the owner’s authorized agent and shall be filed with the Zoning Officer. The application shall:
         (a)   Include a statement as to the proposed use of the structure or land; and
         (b)   Be accompanied by a plan, drawn to scale, showing the dimensions of the lot to be built upon or otherwise affected; the exact size and location of the building to be constructed or otherwise affected upon the lot, accessory buildings to be erected or otherwise affected upon the lot, and such other information as may be deemed necessary by the Zoning Officer in determining and providing for the enforcement of this code.
      (4)   If the zoning permit application is approved by the Zoning Officer, then an appropriate placard issued by the city and containing the approval of the Zoning Officer shall be returned together with the zoning permit to the applicant, following payment of the appropriate fee. The placard shall be posted by the applicant in a conspicuous place upon the building or construction site prior to the commencement of any construction and shall remain upon the building or construction site during all construction operations.
      (5)   A zoning permit does not alleviate the necessity to obtain a building permit as required by the city’s municipal code.
(Ord. passed 6-3-2019)