For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
APPROVED. Shall be construed as though it were followed by the words “by the Health Officer”.
FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. Any place in which food or food products are manufactured, prepared, packed, handled, stored, sold, or distributed and shall include hotels, inns, dining rooms, restaurants, lunch counters, cafeterias, bakeries, bake shops, delicatessens, ice cream plants, fruit stores, fruit stands, wagons from which food products are sold, markets, meat markets, ice cream parlors, confectioneries, beer gardens, boarding houses, clubs (private or public), meat packers or wholesalers thereof, produce houses, bottling plants, and other similar places located within the city, dispensing or offering for sale food or food products either at wholesale or retail.
FOOD PRODUCTS. All articles used for food, drink, flavoring, confectionery, or condiment by people, whether simple, mixed, or compounded.
HEALTH OFFICER. The health authority designated by the Common Council to administer and enforce this chapter, or his or her authorized representatives.
(Prior Code, § 12-1)
Statutory reference:
Authority of city officers to inspect private premises, see W. Va. Code 8-12-15
Authority to protect and promote the public health, see W. Va. Code 8-12-5(44)
Hotels and restaurants, see W. Va. Code 16-6-1 et seq.
Meat and meat products, see W. Va. Code 19-2B-1 et seq.
Milk and milk products, see W. Va. Code 16-7-5
State law relating to pure food and drugs, see W. Va. Code 16-7-1 et seq.
It shall be unlawful for any person to adulterate, for the purpose of sale, anything intended for food or drink, or to knowingly sell or barter anything intended for food or drink, which is not what it is intended or represented to be or what it is sold for.
(Prior Code, § 12-2) Penalty, see § 10.99