The Police Officer’s Civil Service Commission existing immediately prior to the effective date of this code is hereby continued in full force and effect; and all of the pertinent provisions of W. Va. Code 8-14-6 to 8-14-20, inclusive, and W. Va. Code 8-14-22 and 8-14-23 are hereby adopted by the Common Council and made applicable to the Police Department of this city and to the members thereof and applicants for membership therein.
(Prior Code, § 22-8)
The fees for the city’s Police Department be and are hereby adopted below, and are subject to change by the Municipal Court.
Police Service | Fee |
Police Service | Fee |
For conveying a prisoner to or from jail, for each mile of necessary travel either in going or returning | $0.25 |
For executing any criminal warrant, whether issued by the city, the state, or the United States of America, or any of its agencies or departments | $20 |
For levying an attachment on real estate and making the return | $20 |
For making any other levy | $20 |
For serving a writ or possession | $20 |
For serving any person an order, notice, summons, or other process where the body is not taken, except a subpoena served on a witness and making return thereof | $20 |
For serving on any person an attachment or other process under which the body is taken | $20 |
For summoning a witness | $20 |
(Ord. passed 4-13-1993)
The Common Council deems it necessary that a Police Officers’s Pension and Relief Fund be established and maintained, to be administered and distributed by a Board of Trustees.
(Prior Code, § 22-9)
Statutory reference:
As to duty of Common Council to levy annual tax for fund, see W. Va. Code 8-22-19
Municipal police officer’s pension and relief funds, see W. Va. Code 8-22-16 to 8-22-28