(A) (1) City police officers shall be courteous in their official transactions with the public, and they shall conduct themselves in the performance of their official duties so as to not knowingly deprive any person, at the time and under the circumstances then and there existing, of any lawful right or benefit to which such person may be entitled.
(2) Any person who feels aggrieved by the conduct of any city police officer in violation of this division (A) is hereby invited to bring such matter to the attention of the Chief of Police or to the Mayor without prejudice to any other recourse to which such aggrieved person may be entitled.
(B) Members of the public, in turn, should be courteous in their transactions with city police officers, and it shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly taunt, deride, jeer, or otherwise debase or insult, whether by act, word, or gesture, any city police officer at any time or place while such officer is lawfully engaged in the performance of official duty.
(Prior Code, § 22-6) Penalty, see § 10.99
The Police Officer’s Civil Service Commission existing immediately prior to the effective date of this code is hereby continued in full force and effect; and all of the pertinent provisions of W. Va. Code 8-14-6 to 8-14-20, inclusive, and W. Va. Code 8-14-22 and 8-14-23 are hereby adopted by the Common Council and made applicable to the Police Department of this city and to the members thereof and applicants for membership therein.
(Prior Code, § 22-8)
The fees for the city’s Police Department be and are hereby adopted below, and are subject to change by the Municipal Court.
Police Service | Fee |
Police Service | Fee |
For conveying a prisoner to or from jail, for each mile of necessary travel either in going or returning | $0.25 |
For executing any criminal warrant, whether issued by the city, the state, or the United States of America, or any of its agencies or departments | $20 |
For levying an attachment on real estate and making the return | $20 |
For making any other levy | $20 |
For serving a writ or possession | $20 |
For serving any person an order, notice, summons, or other process where the body is not taken, except a subpoena served on a witness and making return thereof | $20 |
For serving on any person an attachment or other process under which the body is taken | $20 |
For summoning a witness | $20 |
(Ord. passed 4-13-1993)
The Common Council deems it necessary that a Police Officers’s Pension and Relief Fund be established and maintained, to be administered and distributed by a Board of Trustees.
(Prior Code, § 22-9)
Statutory reference:
As to duty of Common Council to levy annual tax for fund, see W. Va. Code 8-22-19
Municipal police officer’s pension and relief funds, see W. Va. Code 8-22-16 to 8-22-28
The governing board of the Police Officers’s Pension and Relief Fund shall be a Board of Trustees, which is hereby created, and which, as provided by statute, shall be a corporation by the name and style of “The Board of Trustees of the Police Officer’s Pension and Relief Fund of the city”, by which name it may sue and be sued, plead, and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and take and hold real estate and personal property for the use of such Police Officers’s Pension and Relief Fund; have and use a common seal, but in the absence of such seal, the private seal of the president of such corporation shall be equivalent to such common seal. Such Board of Trustees may also, in their corporate limits, do and perform any and all other acts and business pertaining to the trust hereby created, or in connection with any conveyance, gift, devise, or donation made for the uses and purposes of the Board.
(Prior Code, § 22-10)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see W. Va. Code 8-22-17