(A) The Police Department shall consist of the police force and the civilian employees of the Department.
(B) The police force shall consist of one Chief of Police and such number of captains, lieutenants, sergeants, technicians, and patrol officers as the Common Council may from time to time authorize.
(C) The civilian employees of the Police Department shall consist of such number of stenographers, secretaries, clerks, laborers, and others as the Common Council may from time to time authorize.
(Prior Code, § 22-1)
To be eligible for appointment as a member of the Police Department, an applicant must comply with all of the applicable state civil service laws governing municipal police departments, the provisions of this chapter, and the rules and regulations of the city’s Police Officers’s Civil Service Commission.
(Prior Code, § 22-2)
Charter reference:
For charter provisions as to qualifications of Chief of Police, see Charter § 6
(A) Applications for appointment as a member of the Police Department shall be made on forms furnished by the City Clerk, which may be procured from the City Clerk’s office.
(B) Such applications shall be in the handwriting of, and signed by, the applicant and shall be filed with the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 22-3)
Appointments to the Police Department are for a probationary period of six months; continuation in the service after the expiration of that period being dependent upon the conduct of the appointee and his or her capacity for the performance of the duties to which assigned, as indicated by reports of his or her superior officers.
(Prior Code, § 22-4)
(A) All regularly employed police officers of the city duly qualified under the Police Civil Service Act, being W. Va. Code 8-14-17 et seq., shall be entitled to one day sick leave per month cumulative to a total of 12 days in any calendar year, but not thereafter, for incapacitating illness or injury.
(B) Before a regularly employed police officer is entitled to sick leave pay, he or she shall first notify the Chief of Police of his or her incapacitating illness or injury as soon as reasonably practicable and shall thereafter produce a physician’s certificate of said incapacitating illness or injuries of more than three days duration, to both the Chief of Police and the Mayor, of his or her illness or injury.
(C) It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to record, in a permanently bound book open to the inspection of the Mayor and Common Council, the sick leave time granted to the members of the force and the day, month, and year in which the same was granted. The Chief of Police shall further record the vacation time granted to members of the force and the day, month, and year in which the same was granted.
(Prior Code, § 22-5) (Ord. passed 2-4-1985)
Statutory reference:
Authority to provide for allowance of time with pay for employees, see W. Va. Code 8-5-12
(A) (1) City police officers shall be courteous in their official transactions with the public, and they shall conduct themselves in the performance of their official duties so as to not knowingly deprive any person, at the time and under the circumstances then and there existing, of any lawful right or benefit to which such person may be entitled.
(2) Any person who feels aggrieved by the conduct of any city police officer in violation of this division (A) is hereby invited to bring such matter to the attention of the Chief of Police or to the Mayor without prejudice to any other recourse to which such aggrieved person may be entitled.
(B) Members of the public, in turn, should be courteous in their transactions with city police officers, and it shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly taunt, deride, jeer, or otherwise debase or insult, whether by act, word, or gesture, any city police officer at any time or place while such officer is lawfully engaged in the performance of official duty.
(Prior Code, § 22-6) Penalty, see § 10.99