General Provisions
35.01 Composition of Department
35.02 Appointment of members; general requirements
35.03 Same; applications
35.04 Probationary period and continued service of members
35.05 Sick leave; record of vacation time
35.06 Police officers to be courteous to public, and vice versa
35.07 Police manual
35.08 Police Officer’s Civil Service Commission, and civil service for police officers
35.09 Charges for service of process and the like
Police Officer’s Pension and Relief Fund
35.20 Determination of necessity for Fund
35.21 Creation, name, and general powers of Board of Trustees
35.22 Composition of Board of Trustees; election, officers, and the like
35.23 Application of state law
35.24 Retirement plans/pension
Police Protection
35.35 Rules and regulations for the Police Department
(A) The Police Department shall consist of the police force and the civilian employees of the Department.
(B) The police force shall consist of one Chief of Police and such number of captains, lieutenants, sergeants, technicians, and patrol officers as the Common Council may from time to time authorize.
(C) The civilian employees of the Police Department shall consist of such number of stenographers, secretaries, clerks, laborers, and others as the Common Council may from time to time authorize.
(Prior Code, § 22-1)
To be eligible for appointment as a member of the Police Department, an applicant must comply with all of the applicable state civil service laws governing municipal police departments, the provisions of this chapter, and the rules and regulations of the city’s Police Officers’s Civil Service Commission.
(Prior Code, § 22-2)
Charter reference:
For charter provisions as to qualifications of Chief of Police, see Charter § 6