Preliminary Plat
1173.01   Consultation.
1173.02   Filing.
1173.03   Special procedures for minor subdivisions.
1173.04   Contract of sale prior to preliminary plat.
1173.05   Areas subject to flooding.
1173.06   Filing. fee.
1173.07   Contents.
1173.08   Minimum standards.
1173.09   Approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
1173.10   Disapproval by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
1173.11   Approval by Council.
Plat and subdivision defined - see Ohio R.C. 711.001
Plat and contents - see Ohio R.C. 711.01 et seq.
   Before preparing and submitting a preliminary plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the subdivider or his engineer shall consult with the Commission while the plat is in sketch form, to ascertain the location of proposed highways, primary or secondary streets, parkways, parks, playgrounds, school sites and other planned developments and to acquaint himself or herself with the Commission’s requirements. Where a large-scale project is contemplated, the subdivider shall also submit a master plan for the entire project area, even though the land to be platted immediately represents only a portion of the total area.
(Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)
1173.02 FILING.
   The subdivider shall prepare a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision which shall conform with the requirements set forth in this Ordinance and shall file with the Clerk an application in writing for approval of said plat accompanied by at least four black line or blue line prints and one reproducible tracing on cloth or mylar type material, accurately drawn to a scale of 100 feet to the inch or large scale on sheets 24 x 36 inches in size. Filing shall be made at least fifteen working days prior to the meeting with the Commission at which the plat is first considered. Within five working days after the filing, the Clerk shall place one copy of the preliminary plat in a permanent file and distribute the remaining copies to the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, the Director of Public Service, the Village Engineer for approval and other appropriate agencies for review and comment. The fore mentioned will tabulate and verify the availability of water, sanitary sewer capacity and storm sewer capacity for the subdivision area being developed. They will also be responsible for calculation of other utilities, including water, sanitary sewers, storm sewers and determine the benefit charges for each lot and parcel.
(Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)
   (a)   Definition. “Minor Subdivision” means any subdivision involving no more than five lots after the original tract has been completely subdivided, all of the lots of which front on an existing Village street and in which there is no new street or right of way required or proposed, and that the lots resulting are not reduced below minimum lot sizes for the Zoning District in which they are located.
   (b)   Minor subdivision plats may be approved for recording by the Zoning Inspector without referral to the Planning and Zoning Commission or Village Council provided that all appropriate information to meet the requirements of this Ordinance is met and the plat has received a favorable review by the Madison County Engineer, if required, and by the Village Engineer. Where there are any unusual conditions associated with a proposed subdivision, the plat shall be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and approval.
   (c)   Minor subdivision requests presented to the Zoning Inspector shall include the appropriate information to meet the requirements of Section 1173.07 of the Subdivision Regulations, and other information as requested by the Zoning Inspector at a Pre-application Conference.
   (d)   Any plats approved by the Zoning Inspector under this section shall be reported to the Planning and Zoning Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
   (e)   Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Zoning Inspector shall have the right to appeal said decision to the Planning and Zoning Commission within ten (10) days of the decision.
(Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)
   No person, firm or corporation, proposing to make or having made a subdivision within the jurisdiction of these regulations shall enter into any contract for the sale of, or shall offer to sell any subdivision part thereof, or shall proceed with any construction work on such proposed subdivision, including grading, until he or it has obtained from the Commission, the approval of the preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision.
(Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)