If the Planning and Zoning Commission disapproves such plan, it shall enter in its minutes the reason for such disapproval, including citation of or reference to the rule or regulation violated by such plat. The subdivider may thereafter make changes as he deems necessary to conform the plat to the rules and regulations and resubmit the same as revised to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval or disapproval, which revised plat shall be processed within the times and in the manner provided in this section.
   Within ninety (90) days after the disapproval of a plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or within ninety (90) days after its disapproval of a revised plat, if a revised plat shall have been submitted, the person submitting such plat may file a petition in the Court of Common Pleas of Ohio, as provided in Ohio R.C. 711.09.
(Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)