Ohio Basic Building Code
150.001 Adopted
150.002 Purposes of Code
150.003 Application
150.004 Enforcement
150.005 File and distribution copies
150.006 Conflict of laws
Preble County Building Code
150.020 Adoption by reference
150.021 Enforcement by County Building Inspector
150.022 Permit fees
150.023 Nonliability of Building Inspector
150.024 Amendments
150.025 Appeals
150.026 File copies
International One and Two Family Dwelling Code
150.040 Adopted
150.041 Purpose
150.042 File and distribution copies
150.043 Conflict of laws
Residential Code of Ohio
150.055 Code adopted
150.056 Enforcement
150.057 Schedule of fees
150.058 Relief of liability
150.059 Mayor and Fiscal Officer authorized
National Electric Code
150.070 Adopted
150.071 Purpose
150.072 File and distribution copies
Property Maintenance Code
150.085 Purpose
150.086 Definitions
150.087 Interpretation
150.088 Nuisances
150.089 Structural defects
150.090 Maintenance after property damage
150.091 Closing of vacant structures
150.092 Fences and walls
150.093 Notices and orders
150.094 Permits required
150.095 Abatement expenses
150.096 Administrative liability
150.097 Emergency nuisance abatement
150.098 Separability
150.099 Authority of Property Maintenance Officer
150.999 Penalty
(A) Pursuant to R.C. § 731.231, there is hereby adopted by and for the village the Ohio Basic Building Code, (residential: 2019 RCC, 2017 NFTA 70, 2018 IECC, 2018 IFGC, 2017 OPC; commercial: 2017 OBC-OMC-OPC, 2017 NSP 70, 2012 IECC; 2016 NFP 72, 2015 IFGC), as adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, Department of Industrial Relations, and as published in Division 4101:2 of the Ohio Administrative Code (O.A.C.), save and except such portions as may be hereinafter amended or deleted.
(B) The BOCA National Building Code, promulgated by Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc., being particularly the thirteenth edition (1996) thereof, and the International Mechanical Code, promulgated by the International Code Council, Inc. (ICC), being particularly the 1998 edition thereof, as amended by Chapters 4101:2-1 through 4101:2-15 of the Ohio Administrative Code, are hereby incorporated in this subchapter as fully as if set forth at length herein.
(Prior Code, § 1404.01)