72.01 Scratching off
72.02 Operation of minibikes, go-carts and the like
72.03 Driving on sidewalks generally
72.04 Driving on roadways laned for traffic
72.05 Driving through funeral processions
72.06 Procedure upon approach of authorized emergency vehicle
72.07 Turning; method of making left turns
72.08 No right or left turn intersections
72.09 U-turns
72.10 Limitations on backing
72.11 Emerging from alley, driveway or building
72.12 Obstructing intersections or crosswalks
72.13 Zones of quiet
72.14 Play streets
Specific Provisions
72.25 Speed limits generally
72.26 Stop before entering stop intersection
72.27 Yield right-of-way at certain intersections
72.28 One-way streets
72.29 School zones
72.30 Limitation on number of persons in front seat
72.31 Trucks restricted in certain areas
72.32 Through trucks to remain in right lane on certain streets
72.33 Use of roller skates, coasters and the like
72.34 Attaching bicycles and the like to moving vehicles
72.35 Riding on handlebars of bicycles and the like
Statutory reference:
Operation of vehicles and rules of road generally, see G.S. §§ 20-138.1 to 20-171.2