To provide necessary funds for equipment, personnel and other expense in connection with the collection and disposal of residentia1 garbage and refuse in the City, a fee will be levied against every subscriber by the contractor for Municipal garbage and refuse collection and disposal. The fees to be charged are subject to approval by Council.
   This chapter permits the contractor to require payment for service in advance of the rendering of such service. It also permits the contractor to establish rates of payment which would reward subscribers for paying once, twice or four times per year at twelve month, six month or three month intervals as this too would reduce the cost of doing business and help to minimize the fees for subscribers. The contractor may add a penalty to the account of each subscriber who becomes delinquent in making his payment for service. If the account is sixty days or more past due, the contractor may stop service and levy a start-up charge for restarting the service.
   For all businesses, offices, government agencies or bureaus or institutions, a schedule of fees shall be negotiated between them and the contractor individually.
(Ord. 4-2-73. Passed 5-7-73.)