The City Sanitary Landfill, approximately fourteen and six tenths acres, located in Seal Township, Pike County, has a physical life anticipation of some seventeen years from the date of the lease, September 19, 1969. The contractual life of the lease is five years from September 19, 1969.
The Landfill was acquired for the purpose of fulfilling the need primarily of the City, although there is no prohibition against the use of it for garbage and refuse disposal from other parts of Pike County. It is not for use for the disposal of garbage and refuse from outside the County and should this occur, it should be reported promptly by the contractor to the Mayor or President of Council.
There shall be a charge for dumping in the Landfill by anyone other than the franchised contractor, to whom the Landfill is subleased by the City. The amount is to be determined by the contractor, subject to approval of Council.
(Ord. 4-2-73. Passed 5-7-73.)