(a) Revenues generated through user charges levied pursuant to the title of commodity charge, service charge and/or extra-strength surcharge shall be placed in the wastewater revenue fund. Such funds shall be used to offset all operations, maintenance, and/or replacement costs as well as the costs for billings.
(b) Revenues generated from the debt charge shall be placed in a separate fund entitled Wastewater Debt Charge Fund. These revenues shall be used to retire principal debt and interest.
(Ord. 1991-34. Passed 9-16-91.)
All charges, rates or other fees applicable to all premises located outside the Municipality shall be one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the rates otherwise charged in Section 925.01 et seq., and 929.01 et seq.
(a) Definitions:
(1) “Tap” as used herein shall mean the connecting of a service line to an existing storm sewer.
(2) “Storm sewer extension” as used herein, shall mean the expansion of the existing City storm sewer main.
(3) “Service line” as used herein shall mean a storm sewer line running from a private residence or business to the road right-of-way.
(b) Unless authorized by the Superintendent, no person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any storm sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Municipality.
(c) Any individual desiring a permit shall make application on a special form furnished by the Municipality. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the Superintendent.
(d) Property owners shall be responsible for the installation of service lines and any costs incident thereto. The owner shall indemnify the Municipality from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the service line.
(Ord. 2001-25. Passed 6-18-01.)
(e) The costs for a tap to a storm sewer shall be as follows:
(1) A tap fee based on a rate to be determined by the Director of Public Service each December 1st for the following year.
(2) Thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for the inspection fee.
The tap fee will be waived in those limited situations in which: the home is built before 2009, and the sanitary and storm sewer lines are tied together and the tap will result in a complete separation of the two lines. (Ord. 2021-10. Passed 12-6-21.)
(f) All costs and expenses incident to the extension of a storm sewer shall be borne by the property owner/applicant, unless Council approves of another method of financing. The applicant/property owner shall indemnify the Municipality from any costs, loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the extension of a storm sewer.
(g) Application for all permits shall be filed with the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall issue all permits only after payment of all fees.
(Ord. 2001-25. Passed 6-18-01.)
User Charge Calculation
Wauseon, Ohio
Cto = Estimated Annual Total “O, M&R” Cost =$ 372,200 Cf = Estimated Annual Fixed (including billing) cost =$ 166,000 Cv = Estimated Annual Variable Cost of O,M&R =$ 206,200 Cs = Estimated Annual Surcharge Revenue = 0 Qt = Estimated Annual Metered Water Consumption (100CF.) = 290,000 Su = Number of Accounts on System (1999) = 2,160 Bt = Estimated Total Pounds of BOD = 386,000 #/yr. St = Estimated Total Pounds of Suspended Solids = 511,000 #/yr. Service Charge/month = Cf = $166,000 = $6.40/unit Su x 12 25,920 Commodity Charge = Cto - Cf = 206,200 Qt 290,000 Surcharge for BOD = Cto x 0.05 = $18,610 = $0.05/pound Bt 386,000 Surcharge for SS = Cto x 0.10 = $37,220 = $0.07/pound St 511,000 |
Service Charge, Commodity Charge, Debt Charge
Beginning 09/01/2022 | Beginning 01/01/2023 | Beginning 01/01/2024 | |
Service Charge ($/mo./customer) | $21.08 | $22.98 | $24.70 |
Commodity Charge ($/100 c.f.) | 2.46 | 2.68 | 2.88 |
(Ord. 2022-4. Passed 8-15-22.)
Debt Charge ($/100 c.f.) | Beginning 4-1-2010 Rates |
-Residential Accounts | |
0-100 c.f. | 2.06 |
101-300 c.f. | 1.62 |
301-700 c.f. | .99 |
Over 700 c.f. | .84 |
-Commercial Accounts | |
0-100 c.f. | 2.06 |
101-300 c.f. | 1.62 |
301-700 c.f. | .99 |
701-2100 c.f. | .90 |
Over 2100 c.f. | .84 |
(Ord. 2014-13. Passed 10-20-14.)