Chapter 929 - Sewer Charges
User Charge Calculation
Wauseon, Ohio
Cto   =   Estimated Annual Total “O, M&R” Cost         =$ 372,200
Cf   =   Estimated Annual Fixed (including billing) cost       =$ 166,000
Cv   =   Estimated Annual Variable Cost of O,M&R         =$ 206,200
Cs   =   Estimated Annual Surcharge Revenue            = 0
Qt   =   Estimated Annual Metered Water Consumption (100CF.)   = 290,000
Su   =   Number of Accounts on System (1999)         = 2,160
Bt   =   Estimated Total Pounds of BOD            = 386,000 #/yr.
St   =   Estimated Total Pounds of Suspended Solids         = 511,000 #/yr.
Service Charge/month = Cf   = $166,000 = $6.40/unit
            Su x 12    25,920
Commodity Charge = Cto - Cf     = 206,200
            Qt     290,000
Surcharge for BOD = Cto x 0.05 = $18,610 = $0.05/pound
          Bt         386,000
Surcharge for SS = Cto x 0.10 = $37,220 = $0.07/pound
             St     511,000