(a)   The debt charge, commodity charge, service charge and extra strength surcharge shall be as outlined in Exhibits A and B, at the end of this chapter.
   (b)   The debt charge shall be based upon the rates established in Exhibit B, at the end of this chapter.
   (c)   The commodity charge for wastewaters which do not exceed normal strength wastes shall be based upon the following values:
      Cto =      Estimated total monies needed for administration, billing, operation, maintenance and replacement expenses of the wastewater treatment works.
      Cf =      Estimated administration and other fixed, non-flow, BOD and suspended solids related expenses included in Cto for the operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment works.
      Cs =      Estimated revenue from extra strength surcharges.
      Qt =      The total annual volume of billable sewage flow from all users of the Wauseon sewage system in 100 cubic feet.
      Su =      Total customers on system.
      Commodity charge = Cto-Cf
                              per 100 cubic feet
   The monthly commodity charge shall be based on the rates established in Exhibit B, at the end of this chapter.
   (d)   The sewage service charge shall be based on the number of system customers and shall approximate the portion of fixed operation and maintenance costs attributable to each customer as follows:
   Monthly sewage service charge = Cf (per customer)
                Su X 12
   The monthly service charge shall be as established in Exhibit B, at the end of this chapter.
(Ord. 1999-22. Passed 10-18-99.)