A person shall not sell, offer to sell, dispense, or serve for on-premises consumption an unlimited number of servings of alcoholic liquor, wine or beer for a fixed price. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit a holder of a liquor control license or wine or beer permit, or its employees or agents, from:
1. Including servings or drinks of alcoholic liquor, wine or beer as part of a hotel or motel package which includes overnight accommodations;
2. Providing a fixed price for an unlimited or indefinite amount of drinks for a private event, which is defined as an event restricted to a particular group of persons; provided, the licensee or permittee shall provide means or method by which to identify persons participating in the private event, such as the use of a separate room or a means to identify such participants; or
3. As otherwise permitted for a special event by the Council; provided, however, no permit holder shall be allowed to hold such a special event under this subsection more than twice per year.