No person shall disturb or install anything within the right-of-way or other City-owned property unless such person has obtained a right-of-way permit from the City and has agreed in writing that said installation will comply with all ordinances and requirements of the City for such work. Applicants agree to hold the City free from liability for all damage to applicant’s property which occurs proximately as a result of the applicant’s failure to comply with ordinances or requirements.† 15
15 | † EDITOR’S NOTE: The form for the Utility Permit Application is in the Appendix to this Code of Ordinances. |
An applicant shall file a completed location plan as an attachment to the right-of-way permit application. The location plan shall set forth the location of the proposed line on the road system or along lot lines and include a description of the proposed installation. Applicant is responsible for all surveys necessary to establish location of easements and rights-of-way.
At least five complete working days prior to the proposed installation, an applicant shall submit online a completed right-of-way permit application stating the approximate date, location, and nature of the proposed installation, including applicant’s name, street address, City, state and zip code, telephone number, contact person, and any other information as may be required by the Public Works Director. Additionally, at least two complete working days prior to the actual work, the applicant shall notify the City of the intent to begin work.
The City will require an inspector during the installation of all lines to review compliance with this chapter. The inspector shall have the right, during reasonable hours and after showing proper identification, to enter any installation site in the discharge of the inspector’s official duties, and to make any inspection or test that is reasonably necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare. The applicant shall pay the actual costs directly attributable to the installation inspection conducted by the City. Payment shall be made within 30 days of receipt of invoice from the City. Payments not made in such time shall be subject to reasonable interest charges.
Each applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
1. Signs. Signs shall be placed to regulate vehicular and pedestrian traffic affected as a result of work by the applicant pursuant to the permit. Construction signing shall comply with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and a map shall be provided showing the traffic control plan.
2. Warning Tape. A permanent warning tape shall be placed one foot above all underground utility lines.
3. Tile Line Locations. All tile line locations shall be marked with references located in the right-of-way line.
4. Drainage Structures. No underground utility lines shall cross over a crossroad drainage structure.
5. Access to Public Roads by Residents. Residents along the right-of-way route shall have uninterrupted access to the public roads. An all-weather access shall be maintained for residents adjacent to the project.
6. Assessment of Road Surfacing. A joint assessment of the road surfacing shall be made by the applicant and the City both before and after construction. After construction, granular surfacing shall be added to an existing granular roadway, drive, or parking area by the applicant to restore the surfacing to its original condition. After surfacing has been applied, the road surface shall be reviewed by the City once the road has been saturated, to determine if additional surfacing on the roadway by the applicant is necessary.
7. Repair of Damaged Areas. All damaged areas within the right-of-way shall be repaired and restored to at least its former condition by the applicant, or the cost of any repair work caused to be performed by the City will be assessed against the applicant. Portland cement concrete patches shall be one inch thicker than the removed Portland cement concrete surfacing. Asphaltic cement concrete patches shall be one inch thicker than the removed asphaltic cement concrete surfacing.
8. Erosion. Areas disturbed during construction which present an erosion problem shall be solved by the applicant in a manner approved by the City.
9. Obtaining Permits; Compliance With Laws. The applicant shall also obtain applicable permits and comply with all federal, State and local laws governing the particulars of the work to be performed and areas to be disturbed.
10. Tamping. All trenches, excavations, and utilities that are knifed shall be properly tamped.
11. Cable and Line Construction. Cable, pipe line, and tile line crossing paved roads shall be constructed as follows: Utilities designated by the City which cross under the roadway shall be placed in casings so that the pipe may be removed for repair without disturbing the sub-grade. The casing shall be adequate strength, and of sufficient length to extend two feet beyond each edge of the surfaced roadway. On paved roads, cable casings may be placed through the sub-grade by jacking, or by boring a hole just large enough to take the line. All open excavations near pavement shall be of sufficient distance from pavement to prevent soil collapses resulting in undermining of pavement.
12. Use and Backfilling of Trenches. On roads not paved, an open trench may, upon approval of the City, be dug and the cable, pipeline, or tile line placed therein, and the trench backfilled over the line. All backfilling of tunnels and trenches shall be thoroughly compacted in layers of six inches or less in depth. Backfilling of trenches within the right-of-way shall be tamped sufficiently to avoid settlement. All work shall be done in a workmanlike manner, and the ground left in a neat condition, satisfactory to City specifications.
13. Overhead Utilities. All overhead utilities shall be placed at a distance of two feet inside the right-of-way line unless specifically approved otherwise by the City.
14. Conformance with Design Standards. All work shall conform to the Des Moines Metropolitan Design Standards Manual, Waukee Standard Specifications, Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications, and criteria set forth herein.
15. Franchise Agreement. Utilities shall include governmentally owned and operated utilities or infrastructure approved for installation in the City rights-of-way pursuant to an agreement between the City and any such governmental entity; any utility operating pursuant to a franchise agreement with the City; and any utility that provides utility service to the residents of the City for compensation. Any utilities occupying the City right-of-way shall comply with the requirements of this chapter, other requirements imposed by federal, State and local law, including (but not limited) to zoning laws governing the right-of-way, or adjacent property, as well as any agreements between the City and any such utility. Utility infrastructure installed in the rights-of-way shall not pose an unreasonable safety risk to motorists, pedestrians or the public as determined by the Public Works Director, in the City’s sole discretion.
16. Notification of Residents. The permittee and their contractor will place door hangers with contact information on the properties of affected residents 48 hours in advance of beginning any work in the right-of-way or public utility easements.
17. Locate Flags. The permittee and their contractor agree to remove locate flags immediately after the completion of work in the area.
18. Sidewalks and Trails. The permittee and their contractor shall not park or store any equipment or vehicles on sidewalks or bike paths.
19. Restoration. The permittee and their contractors shall restore the public utility easements and right-of-way to their previous condition immediately after construction in the area completed. In developed areas sod will be required and must be watered by the permittee until the sod is established. In undeveloped areas hydro seeding is required immediately after construction in the area is completed.