All persons owning dogs shall confine the same from running at large. It is the duty of every person owning a dog to:
1. Confinement. Confine said dog by good and sufficient means.
2. Control. Cause said dog to be under the control of a person competent to restrain and control the dog, either by leash, cord, chain, or other similar restraint of sufficient strength, and not more than six feet in length.
3. Restraint. Properly restrain the dog in a motor vehicle or house, or in a veterinary hospital or registered kennel.
4. Obedience. Maintain control by obedience beside or “at heel,” unless the conditions of Subsections 1 through 3 of this section are also met.
1. License Required; Fees. All dogs and cats shall be licensed. Every owner of a dog or cat shall procure a dog or cat license from the City Clerk on or before January 1 of each year. The annual license fee for both altered and unaltered cats and dogs shall be set by resolution of the Council.
2. License Issuance. Upon payment of the license fee, the City Clerk shall issue to the owner a license that contains the name of the owner, owner’s place of residence, and a description of the dog or cat. The City Clerk shall keep a duplicate of each license issued as a public record.
3. License Tag Attached to Collar or Harness. Upon issuance of the license, the City Clerk shall deliver to the owner a metal tag stamped with the number of the license and the year for which it was issued. The license tag shall be securely fastened to a collar or harness which shall be worn by the dog or cat for which the license is issued. Any dog or cat found running at large without the license tag attached to its collar or harness shall be deemed unlicensed.
4. Noncompliance. It is a violation of this chapter for any owner to own or possess a dog or cat within the City without obtaining a license in compliance with this section.
Every owner of any dog or cat over the age of three months shall, when procuring a dog or cat license from the City Clerk, present a certificate from a qualified doctor of veterinary medicine that such dog or cat has had immunization against rabies, and such certificate shall show the date of such immunization and the term of such immunization. The City Clerk shall not issue any dog or cat license until evidence is shown certifying a rabies vaccination of the dog or cat by a licensed veterinarian. If any dog or cat for which a license has been obtained shall not have attained the age of three months at the time of the licensing of such dog or cat, the owner shall, not less than 10 days after such cat attains the age of three months, secure immunization against rabies for such cat and present a certificate as required in this section to the City Clerk, who shall enter such certification in the records of the City. It shall be a violation of this section for any owner to own or possess a dog or cat within the City without furnishing a certificate of immunization against rabies in compliance with this section.
It is the duty of the owner of any dog, cat, or other animal that has bitten or attacked a person or any person having knowledge of such bite or attack to report this act to a local health or law enforcement official. It is the duty of physicians and veterinarians to report to the local board of health the existence of any animal known or suspected to be suffering from rabies.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 351.38)
If a local board of health receives information that an animal has bitten a person or that a dog or animal is suspected of having rabies, the board shall order the owner to confine such animal in the manner it directs. If the owner fails to confine such animal in the manner directed, the animal shall be apprehended and impounded by such board, and after 10 days the board may humanely destroy the animal. If such animal is returned to its owner, the owner shall pay the cost of impoundment. This section does not apply if a police service dog or a horse used by a law enforcement agency and acting in the performance of its duties has bitten a person.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 351.39)
The owners of licensed dogs and cats, if known, shall be notified in writing not less than two days following impoundment that upon payment of impounding costs such dogs or cats will be returned. If the impounded licensed dogs or cats are not recovered by their owners within 10 days after notice, the dogs or cats shall be disposed of by the Police Chief. Impounded unlicensed dogs and cats may be recovered by the owner, upon proper identification, by payment of the license fee and impounding costs. If such dogs or cats are not claimed within 10 days after impounding, they shall be disposed of by the Police Chief.
(Code of Iowa, Ch. 717E)
1. Prohibition. It is unlawful for any person to award a pet or advertise that a pet may be awarded as any of the following:
A. A prize for participating in a game.
B. A prize for participating in a fair.
C. An inducement or condition for visiting a place of business or attending an event sponsored by a business.
D. An inducement or condition for executing a contract that includes provisions unrelated to the ownership, care or disposition of the pet.
2. Exceptions. This section does not apply to any of the following:
A. A pet shop licensed pursuant to Section 162.5 of the Code of Iowa if the award of a pet is provided in connection with the sale of a pet on the premises of the pet shop.
B. Youth programs associated with 4-H Clubs; Future Farmers of America; the Izaak Walton League of America; or organizations associated with outdoor recreation, hunting or fishing, including but not limited to the Iowa Sportsmen’s Federation.