The measurement of noise or sound shall be made with a sound level meter meeting the standards prescribed by the American National Standards Institute. The instruments shall be maintained in calibration and good working order. A calibration check shall be made of the system at the time of any noise measurement. Measurements recorded shall be taken so as to provide a proper representation of the noise source. The microphone shall be positioned so as not to create an unnatural enhancement or diminution of the measured noise. A windscreen for the microphone shall be used when required. The measurement shall be an “A” weighted, slow response sound level.
The provisions of this chapter do not apply to:
1. Musical Instruments; Fireworks. The emission of sound, including (but not limited to) sounds originating from musical instruments, sound equipment, or fireworks display, incidental to any City-sanctioned and/or sponsored event.
2. Agricultural Equipment and Machinery. The emission of sound originating from agricultural equipment and machinery directly associated with agricultural operations, with the exception of mowers, on any parcel of land that is zoned A-1 (Agricultural District).
3. Alerting Persons of Emergency. The emission of sound for the purpose of alerting persons to the existence of an emergency.
4. Emergency Work by Governmental Agencies. The emission of sound in the performance of emergency work by City, State or federal agencies or utilities operating under a franchise agreement with the City.
5. Rail and Air Transportation. Rail and air transportation and public mass transportation vehicles.
6. Discharge of Weapons; Fireworks Displays. The emission of sound in the legal discharge of weapons or in fireworks displays licensed by the City.
7. The emission of sound in the operation of snow removal equipment.
8. Concrete Cutting During Construction or Paving. The emission of sound for the purpose of concrete cutting during the construction of paving, flatwork, sidewalks, driveways, and roadways.
9. Grain Elevator Operations. The emission of sound in conjunction with the operations directly associated with grain elevator operations.
10. School Events. The emission of sound by participants in events sanctioned by the Waukee Community School District, including (but not limited to) school band activities and sporting events.
11. The emission of sound from the operation of electrical generation equipment on governmental, commercial, and industrial properties during periods of an electrical utility outage.
12. The emission of sound in connection with the repair and/or testing of electrical generation equipment permanently situated on governmental, commercial, and industrial property interests for operation in the event of an electrical power failure.
13. The emission of sound from the operation of mowers, golf carts, and other equipment utilized for operational and maintenance activities on the real property known as Sugar Creek Golf Course.