It is unlawful for a person to throw stones, bricks, or missiles of any kind or to shoot arrows, paintballs, rubber guns, slingshots, air rifles, BB guns, or other dangerous instruments or toys on or into any street, alley, highway, sidewalk, public way, public ground, or public building, without written consent of the Council.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12[2])
A person may, with the consent of the owner or tenant, discharge a firearm upon property within the limits of the City, when the property is zoned
A-1 Agricultural District, as provided in Chapter 166 of this Code of Ordinances, and is a tract of 10 acres or more. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, a person shall not discharge a firearm within 200 yards of a building inhabited by people or domestic livestock, or within 200 yards of a feedlot, unless the owner or tenant has given consent. As used in this provision, “feedlot” means a lot, yard, corral, or other area in which livestock are present and confined for the purposes of feeding and growth. The term does not include areas that are used for the raising of crops or other vegetation and upon which livestock are allowed to graze or feed.
A-1 Agricultural District, as provided in Chapter 166 of this Code of Ordinances, and is a tract of 10 acres or more. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, a person shall not discharge a firearm within 200 yards of a building inhabited by people or domestic livestock, or within 200 yards of a feedlot, unless the owner or tenant has given consent. As used in this provision, “feedlot” means a lot, yard, corral, or other area in which livestock are present and confined for the purposes of feeding and growth. The term does not include areas that are used for the raising of crops or other vegetation and upon which livestock are allowed to graze or feed.
It is unlawful for any person to urinate or defecate onto any sidewalk, street, alley, or other public way, or onto any public or private building, including but not limited to the wall, floor, hallway, steps, stairway, doorway, or window thereof, or onto any public or private land.
The sale, use and exploding of fireworks within the City are subject to the following:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 727.2)
1. Definition. “Fireworks” or “consumer fireworks,” as used in this section, means those items listed or referred to under the definition of “first-class consumer fireworks” and “second-class consumer fireworks” as set forth under Code of Iowa Chapter 100.
2. Restrictions.
A. No person shall use, explode, discharge any consumer fireworks on days other than July 3 and July 4, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.
B. A person shall not use, explode, or discharge consumer fireworks on real property other than that person’s real property or on the real property of a person who has consented to the use of consumer fireworks on that property. A person shall not use, explode, or discharge consumer fireworks on publicly owned property except as specifically authorized by permit issued pursuant to this section.
C. A person shall not use, explode, or discharge consumer fireworks within 500 feet of any structure which offers for sale in any manner combustible material, including (but not limited to) gas stations, propane sales, or fireworks sales establishments.
3. Fireworks Permit for Display.
A. Supervised public exhibitions or displays of display fireworks, as defined in Code of Iowa Section 727.2(1)(b), shall be conducted only in accordance with this section and any rules and regulations issued by the Fire Chief for the area included with the permit application.
B. Upon written application, the City may grant a permit for the display of display fireworks by a City agency, fair association, or other organizations or groups, as may be approved by the City, and when such fireworks to be displayed are under the direct control of a licensed and competent operator. Any applications shall have attached thereto proof of insurance with limits not less than $2,000,000.00 per occurrence and $5,000,000.00 aggregate.
4. Sale of Fireworks.
A. No person, retailer, consumer group, or otherwise shall sell or display for sale any fireworks without possessing a consumer fireworks seller license as required under Code of Iowa Chapter 100, and without providing evidence of insurance in the amounts not less than $2,000,000.00 per occurrence and $5,000,000.00 in the aggregate.
B. The sale or display for sale of fireworks shall only occur within structures complying with all zoning, fire, building, electrical and plumbing codes applicable to fireworks sales operations and uses.
C. A person, firm, partnership, or corporation shall not sell consumer fireworks to a person who is less than 18 years of age.
5. Penalty. A person, firm, partnership or corporation who violates any provision of this section commits a simple misdemeanor punishable by a fine not less than $250.00 per violation.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 125.414)
1. As used in this section “drug paraphernalia” means all equipment, products or materials of any kind used or attempted to be used in combination with a controlled substance, except those items used in combination with the lawful use of a controlled substance, to knowingly or intentionally and primarily do any of the following:
A. Manufacture a controlled substance.
B. Inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance.
C. Test the strength, effectiveness, or purity of a controlled substance.
D. Enhance the effect of a controlled substance.
Drug paraphernalia does not include hypodermic needles or syringes if manufactured, delivered, sold, or possessed for a lawful purpose.
2. It is unlawful for any person to knowingly or intentionally manufacture, deliver, sell, or possess drug paraphernalia.
A person who reasonably believes another person is suffering from a risk of serious bodily injury or imminent danger of death shall, if the person is able, attempt to contact local law enforcement or local emergency response authorities, if doing so does not place the person or other person at risk of serious bodily injury or imminent danger of death. No person shall without lawful cause violate the provisions of this section. A person shall not be required to contact local law enforcement or emergency response authorities if the person knows or reasonably believes that the other person is not in need of help or assistance.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 727.12)
(Section 41.17 – Ord. 3005 – Sep. 21 Supp.)