(a) Streets shall conform to the Official Plan when and as adopted and shall be accessible to existing or proposed parks, schools or other open public grounds shown on the Official Plan.
(b) If a tentative or suggested plan or plat for the area has been made by the Planning Commission, the street layout shall be in general conformance thereto.
(c) Arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the continuation of the principal existing streets in adjoining areas (or their proper projection where adjoining land is not subdivided) insofar as they may be deemed necessary for public requirements.
(d) Streets that are obviously in alignment with others already existing and named shall bear the names of the existing streets.
(e) The street and alley arrangement shall be such as not to cause hardship to owners of adjoining property in platting such land and in providing for convenient access thereto, and shall further the development of a coherent neighborhood.
(f) Where railroads or undesirable conditions exist, provision of buffer strips or other protective treatment shall be required to the extent and of the type under the circumstances.
(g) Frontage on high volume trafficways shall be provided with parallel service streets or such other means of minimizing access as may be appropriate to the conditions.
(h) Residential streets shall be designed to discourage through traffic.
(i) The angle of intersection between minor streets and major streets shall not vary by more than ten degrees from a right angle. All other streets shall intersect each other as near to a right angle as possible and no intersection of streets at angles of less than sixty degrees shall be permitted.
(j) Dedication of half-streets shall not be accepted unless exceptional circumstances are found by the Planning Commission and Council to justify the same. Where there exists a dedicated or platted half-street or alley adjacent to the tract being subdivided, the other half shall be platted if deemed necessary by the Planning Commission or Council.
(k) The width of streets in new subdivisions shall be not less than the minimum widths established herein.
(Ord. 385. Passed 9-6-61.)
(a) Alleys shall not be used in residential subdivisions except when deemed necessary by the Planning Commission and Council to meet unusual conditions.
(b) Alleys are required in the rear of all commercial and industrial lots if no other provisions are made for adequate service access or for parking. The rights of way of such alleys shall not be less than twenty feet and dead-end alleys shall not be permitted.
(Ord. 385. Passed 9-6-61.)
Required rights of way for streets, alleys and easements shall have the following minimum width:
(a) Primary streets 100 feet (b) Secondary streets 80 feet (c) Minor streets 50-60 feet* (d) Alleys 20 feet
(e) Easements (on each side of property line) 5 feet |
* The 50-foot minimum shall be acceptable only for cul-de sacs, loop streets and short side streets which have no property frontage and with special permission of Council.
(Ord. 385. Passed 9-6-61.)
(Ord. 385. Passed 9-6-61.)
(a) The maximum length of blocks shall generally be 1,320 feet. Those of over 900 feet may require a crosswalkway at approximately the center.
(b) Where all or part of a subdivision is adjacent to or in the vicinity of a primary or secondary street the greater dimension of blocks shall be generally parallel to the primary or secondary streets to avoid unnecessary ingress and egress.
(c) A single tier of lots facing the minor street shall be the preferred practice where the proposed minor street is parallel to a major street. In other cases, the width of blocks shall generally be sufficient to allow two tiers of lots.
(d) Irregularly shaped blocks (including super-blocks), indented by cul-de-sacs and containing interior spaces, shall be encouraged when properly designed and fitted to the over- all plan and when adequate provision for the maintenance of public areas is allowed for.
(e) Blocks intended for business and industrial use shall be designed specifically for such purposes with adequate space set aside for off-street parking and delivery facilities.
(Ord. 385. Passed 9-6-61.)
The minimum dimensions and other characteristics of lots intended for residential use shall be as follows:
(a) When two rules apply to a subdivision or lot that rule shall govern which requires the greater lot size or lot dimension.
(b) When a subdivision is located within a zoning district of the City, the minimum area and dimensions of lots shall be no less than is required by the Zoning Code.
(c) A minimum lot size of 12,000 square feet shall be provided when public water is available but sanitary sewers are not provided.
(d) A minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet shall be provided when neither public water nor sanitary sewers are available.
(e) In no case shall a lot have a width at the building line of less than fifty feet or a lot area of less than 7,500 square feet and generally the depth-to-width ratio shall be a maximum of three to one.
(f) Corner lots intended for residential use shall have extra width sufficient for maintenance of building lines on both streets. The minimum width of such lots shall be seventy feet and the minimum building line from both streets shall be as required in the Zoning Code for such area, but the Planning Commission with the consent of Council may permit reduction of this distance along the side of a lot adjoining a minor street.
(g) All lots shall be designed to provide desirable building sites, properly related to topography, high water levels and surrounding streets, railroads, watercourses and land use. A larger lot size than set out in subsections (a) to (e) hereof, inclusive, may be required in particular cases in order to meet the desirable requirements for the subdivided area.
(h) Building lines shall be established on the plat but in no case shall the building line be closer to the street than twenty feet or some greater distance as required by the Zoning Code.
(Ord. 385. Passed 9-6-61.)
(Ord. 385. Passed 9-6-61.)
(i) All lots shall abut on a permanently reserved private place approved by the Planning Commission and Council or on a public street as the principal means of access to abutting property.
(Ord. 11-97. Passed 5-12-97.)
(j) Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles or radial to the street line.
(Ord. 385. Passed 9-6-61.)
(Ord. 385. Passed 9-6-61.)
(a) Where the subdivision contains a street, park, school or other public area which is shown upon the Official Plan as intended for public ownership, all or part of such area shad either be dedicated to the proper public agency or it shall be reserved for acquisition thereby, within a specified period by purchase or other means and an agreement shall be entered into between the subdivider and the proper public agency regarding the time and method of acquisition and the cost thereof or an agreement shall be made by the appropriate public agency upon an alternate location that is satisfactory to the Planning Commission and Council.
(b) Due regard shall be shown for the preservation of outstanding natural and cultural features such as scenic spots, watercourses and historic sites.
(Ord. 385. Passed 9-6-61.)