General Provisions
75.01 Bicycles; application of Title VII
75.02 Definitions
75.03 Licensing
75.04 Operation of bicycles, motorized bicycles, motorcycles and snowmobiles
75.05 Prohibition against attaching bicycles, motorized bicycles, motorcycles or snowmobiles to vehicles
75.06 Riding bicycles, motorized bicycles or motorcycles abreast
75.07 Signal device on bicycles and motorized bicycles
75.08 Lights and reflector on bicycles, motorized bicycles; brakes
75.09 Exhaust systems on motorized bicycles
75.10 Assembly of motorized bicycles by person other than manufacturer
75.11 Reckless operation; control, course and speed
75.12 Parking of bicycle, motorized bicycle, motorcycle or snowmobile
75.13 Riding on sidewalks
75.14 Snowmobile operation prohibited
75.15 Impounding bicycles
75.16 Electric bicycles
Bicycle Licensing
75.25 Responsibility of parents and guardians
75.26 License required
75.27 License application; fee
75.28 License issuance and expiration; bicycle inspection; records
75.29 License plate issuance, attachment and removal
75.30 License not transferable
75.31 License revocation
75.99 Penalty