115.01 Definitions
115.02 License required for retail sale of liquor
115.03 Application; contents
115.04 Restrictions on licenses
115.05 Classification of licenses; fee; closing hours
115.06 Duration of license
115.07 License fees
115.08 Record of licenses issued; notice to certain officers
115.09 Licenses not to constitute property; not transferable; renewal
115.10 Change of location
115.11 Revocation by president
115.12 License to be posted
115.25 Consumption on premises
115.26 Sanitary condition of premises
115.27 View from street
115.28 Sales to minors prohibited
115.29 Minors in possession prohibited
115.30 Minors; employment and loitering
115.31 Entry onto premises
115.32 Unlawful consumption, possession
115.33 Certain forms of nudity prohibited
115.34 Certain acts prohibited
115.35 Showing of certain films, pictures prohibited
115.36 Reporting of incidents; telephone on premises
115.99 Penalty