(A)   Customer consent to rules. Every person applying for water service from the municipality and every owner of property for which such application is made shall be deemed by such application to consent to all the rules, regulations, and rates contained in the resolutions and ordinances of the municipality and to any modification thereof and to all new rules, regulations, or rates duly adopted.
   (B)   Penalty for noncompliance. The municipality reserves the right to discontinue service to any or all consumers of the water system, without notice when necessary for repairs, for nonpayment of bills or for disregard of rules and regulations affecting the service. When service has been discontinued for nonpayment of bills or for disregard of regulations, it shall not be resumed except upon payment of the bill together with penalty thereon, full compliance with the regulations, and the payment of a fee of $25 to the City Finance Officer for re-establishment of service.
(Prior Code, § 13.08.070) (Ord. 92-3, passed - -)